La Grande Illusion

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"Why did mom leave?" Was the first thing I asked my father in days since the occasion that had occurred down at the Whyte Wyrm. I had taken the time in between to think about everything and yet none of it seemed to make sense to me no matter what scenario I came up with.

"What?" He asked innocently, diverting his attention from the tv in front of him and looked back at me in the kitchen.

I sighed and stepped away from the sandwich I was making and turned to him with my arms crossed, "Why did mom leave?" I re-asked the question.

He took a deep breath before turning off the tv and shifting his body to turn to me, "She wasn't ready for a family, Birdie. She couldn't commit so she left." He spoke softly while he fiddled with the hem of his t-shirt, something I hadn't noticed him doing before.

I furrowed my eyebrows looking down at him fidgeting with his shirt before looking back at him sadly, "You're lying to me." I whispered before shaking my head, "Why are you lying to me?"


"I deserve to know the truth! The whole truth!" I exclaimed, in the moment not having control of my temper like I normally would. "Why did my mother leave me?"

He exhaled deeply before walking over and sitting down at the table in front of me and setting down his glasses. He rubbed his temples and placed his glasses back on his face before speaking, "Your mother and I were in love. We were young when we got married, eighteen. Both our parents insisted we were moving too fast but we didn't care." He chuckled sadly at the memory.

"Not long after, we had you. The most precious little girl." He smiled at me but I kept the same expression, knowing if I let my guard down I would feel bad when I was supposed to be angry. "A few years into our marriage your mother had confessed she made some poor choices when she was a teenager- even joined a gang. The Serpents." He said in disgust.

"She swore that she was done with the motley crew but once a Serpent always a Serpent." He scoffed, "She started hanging with a few old friends, coming home late, spinning excuses, and making bad decisions. We fought constantly, that part was true, but it was because she was hellbent on turning back to her old ways- even suggesting I did too. Arguing that with them our family would have more protection but it had bad news written all over it, I knew that."

I swallowed as I hung on to every word of the story, mentally begging for more when he would pause.

"We fought like never before. It was the night I realized the woman I married was long gone and replaced with a criminal." He spoke in spitefulness, sending chills down my spine. "So I gave her a choice.. us or them."

I uncrossed my arms and began to breathe shakily. I turned around, clenching my hands onto the counter for support as I closed my eyes and took everything in. I felt his hand touch my shoulder causing me to jump and spin around quickly, backing away, "Do not touch me right now."

He frowned, "Birdie, I didn't tell you to protect you-"

"Protect me?!" I repeated angrily, "You kept this from me since I was eight! This.. This is all your fault!" I screamed at him.

"My fault?" He asked with a raised brow, "It is not my fault your mother chose the life of crime over her own family, Beatrice!" He used my full name, telling me that now he was really upset.

"Being a Serpent would've been better than being here with you." I finished, knowing I didn't mean it and I was just in the moment but it was too late to take it back when his face fell and went blank as he stared at me for a while before he grew angry.

"You. are. grounded. I have let your behavioral issues slide for too long but this draws the line, Beatrice!" He yelled, "You will attend school, cheerleading practice, and your ass will go straight up to your room! No Archie, no Betty, no Jughead, and no Serpents! Ever!" He lectured me loudly and scarily in a way he never has before. I was taken back, to say the least.

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