The Town That Dreaded Sundown

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"The red circle?" I slammed Archie's locker shut angrily, crossing my arms as I glared at him. "Are you insane? You practically egged on this psychopath to do more chaos than he already has." I whisper-yelled at the boy. "Not to mention you laid out a 'welcome' mat for the Serpents."

He sighed as he packed his books into his backpack like he were annoyed with me. "I was showing the black hood that we weren't afraid, whether he be a Serpent or not." He shrugged like it wasn't a big deal before turning to me, "Besides, Bird, this was your idea."

I rose my eyebrows and widened my eyes in complete and utter shock, "My idea? My idea! No, Archie, my idea was to find justice and any and every detail we can about the role the Serpents played in these crimes. I didn't tell you to make a video daring them to continue their killing spree!"

I took a deep breath not wanting to tear him down so I began to soften my words, "Look, Arch, if you want to start a..a club, where you can protect your fellow students and people of Riverdale- I support you 100%. But this video is dangerous and it needs to be taken down. Now." I said sternly.

"Okay." He came around, accepting his defeat. "Okay, fine. You're right, the video has gotten out of hand." He admitted, "But Weatherbee is threatening to kick me off the football team if I don't dismantle the red circle and write a handwritten letter apology. I can't do that, Bird. I can't back down from this fight and let the black hood win." He shook his head rapidly and I sighed, unfortunately agreeing with him knowing my life would be so much easier if I didn't.

"I'll see what I can do, okay?"


"The last thing you should be doing is hyping Archie up about this whole thing." Veronica rolled her eyes while I sat on my bed with my legs criss-crossed with my laptop on top of them.

"I was doing research on Southside high and it's not just the Serpents who go there. There's another gang- the Ghoulies." I read off of my computer before I looked up at the raven-haired girl who was sitting in my white rolling chair. "All the more reason for the red circle, Ronnie. Riverdale needs protection."

Ronnie exhaled deeply and set down one of the sodas my dad had brought up for us earlier before making eye contact, "Let's say you're right. The red circle may do us some good. But what can we do now? Weatherbee suspended the football team, practically the whole town despises Archie. It'd be nearly impossible to make a comeback." Veronica shrugged hopelessly.

I frowned, almost giving in to what she was saying until I thought of an idea. "Nearly impossible." I repeated her words with a smirk before jumping up from my bed and running down the stairs.

"Bird!" Veronica called, chasing after me. "Bird, slow down!"


"Look, here he comes." I nudged Veronica's shoulder, capturing her attention. She stood up straighter and smiled at the redheaded boy walking up to us. He looked upset but I knew in a few moments his frown would turn upside down.

"There you are." She spoke flirtatiously and looked over her shoulder towards me with a grin before turning back to him. "We have a surprise for you." 

Once she finished her sentence the both of us unzipped our jackets in unison revealing our white t-shirts with red circles in the middle of them. I grinned widely waiting for Archie to celebrate but was met with disappointment when he didn't.

"Ronnie, Bird- you guys can't wear that." He whispered to the both of us.

"Are you saying we're not rocking this scoop-neck look?" I joked, tilting my head pretending to be offended at his comment making Veronica chuckle.

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