19>Elisha (EDITED)

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Shopping was the worst. Especially being 17 weeks pregnant, well if wasn't that bad but when you're shopping for about 14 different people... then it becomes hard. 

If you couldn't already tell it was my time to go shopping for this house, I hated when this happened because it usually took me and 4 hours.

I step foot into Tesco and instantly moaned "Well this is going to take ages" I said to myself before getting the largest trolley they had and walking towards the first isle.


I was half way through the 12th isle when someone barged into me.

"Watch where you're going" I said.

"Oh my god Elle" The woman said. I instantly knew the voice, I just didn't believe it.

" Elisha ".

Elisha Rose Kennedy, my twin sister. It was honestly like looking in the mirror, we were so alike. The only difference between us was our hair, mines was a golden blonde whilst hers was a light brown. I had always been close to my sister, well up until the aged of 17. When I lived with my dad she would come visit me constantly making sure I was okay.

"Oh my god Elle, you're pregnant!! Who's the lucky guy?" 

"My fiancée... JJ" 

"So how far along are you?"

"17 weeks. Anyway How are you?"

"I'm really good"

"How's everyone?" I asked referring to our family.

"Well that's a long story, why don't we finish up here then go somewhere?" 

"Yeah, let me go pay then we can go grab a coffee or something?"

Elisha and I walked to the till and paid for our things, I had told the guys to get me at Starbucks earlier at 3:30pm and it was 2:45 the now so Elisha and I had about 45 minutes to catch up.


"So How's the fam?" I asked as I sipped on my hot chocolate.

"Urm, Shawn's getting married in September, Katie's in her last year of school, Caleb's travelling the world with his girlfriend and Noah's well... He's Noah." She said.

"What about mum and dad?"

"Mum's remarried now, Graham... He's a sweetheart and err she's 5 months pregnant"

"Mum's pregnant! Wow!, What about Dad?"

"Dad's urm in jail"

"Serves him right"

"Elle, he's our dad"

"Lisha, I don't care. He put me through hell, he deserves to be locked away"

"I guess you're right"

We talked for a little more before the guys all came in, this is where disaster stuck.

The boys came up to our table and Elisha turned round only to be faced with Cal.

"Elisha this is Simon, Ethan,Tobi, Harry, Josh,Vik , Cal and my fiancée JJ" I said as I pointed to everyone.

"Elisha?" Cal said as he saw Elisha.

"Cal" She said as she stood up.

She walked towards him then full on slapped him, "El, Ill call you later... Need to go"

"What the fuck just happened" Harry Asked

"That was my sister and I'm guessing she doesn't like you Cal?"

"I guess you could say that" He replied as we all sat down again.


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