24>What the fuck (EDITIED)

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I woke up the next morning at around 9am to the twins crying, It was at that moment I decided that I would have to get used to this "getting up early" thing so I whispered to Jide that I would get them.

 I walked over to their cots and picked both of them up, I then changed their nappies and fed them before laying them back down to rest while I went into the bathroom.
By the time I had came out of the bathroom, both twins were suddenly cuddled up with Jj on the bed. I found this moment so unbelievably adorable so I quickly snapped a picture and posted it on snapchat and Instagram. Within a few moments my phone began blowing up but I just chose to ignore it for the time being.
Since I knew that the twins were safe with their father I began to make my way downstairs, I hadn't ate since shortly after giving birth and therefore I was beyond starving. 

It being 9:30 in the morning I expected no one to be awake but I was wrong, as I walked into the kitchen Josh, Harry, Tobi, Simon and Freya were all hovering over the island looking at something on the laptop, there faces had a strange look on them and I was instantly intrigued to find out what was going on.
"What's going on?" I asked.
The laptop was immediately shut over and then the was spoke at once. "Nothing, absolutely nothing". Harry spoke in a rush, as if he was hiding something.
"Bullshit Harold, What's on the laptop" I said walking over towards the closed device.
"Like we said nothing" Simon spoke attempting to remove the laptop from the island but before he could I grabbed it and opened the lid.

"What.The.Fuck, I'm going to murder that psychotic bitch!" I almost shouted but then realised that I was now a mum with kids and a soon to be husband upstairs sleeping. 

"@KSI and @ElleLouK14 's babies are the ugliest babies I've ever seen!  "God has given them a gift" pahaha more like he has given them a nightmare, Should've got rid of them while you had the chance guys. Jj baby, If you're ever looking for a good time... Call me❤️❤️"

Without even thinking I began scrolling through my contacts knowing her number was in there somewhere. As I waited for the bitch to pick up, I walked outside and as far away from the house as the back garden took me, deep down knowing I was about to kick the fuck up. Everyone but Simon and Talia ran after me, I assumed that they went to wake JJ up.
After a few rings she finally picked up.

"Hello, Who is this" Her annoying voice said as she answered the phoned.


"I don't understand What you mean, Who is this?"

"THIS IS ELLE, YA KNOW THE ONE YOU FUCKING LOST TO? LISTEN HONEY I DON'T KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU ARE BUT I SUGGEST YOU WRAP YOUR SHITE, DELETE THE FUCKING POST AND NEVER CONTACT ME, JJ OR ANY OF OUR FUCKING FRIENDS AGAIN!" As I  screamed down the phone I glanced up at our bedroom and saw mine and Jj's bedroom light switch on indicating that he was awake.

"Oh Elle, how lovely to speak to you again, Remember that time I kicked your ass" 

"No I don't seem to recall? You know from my memory Darcy, you were the one lying in a fucking hospital bed screaming for your mummy to come save you. Oh and sweetie I would happily knock you the fuck out".
After I finished my sentence, Jj had ran from our bedroom to the point of the garden that I was standing.
"What the fucks going on" He said looking at everyone.
"Sure, I'm only about two minutes away see you soon babe?" She said GOD I fucking hated her voice.
"Oh darling don't you fucking worry, I'm waiting outside for you" I said then she hung up the phone. Bitch.

Jj came jogging over to me, hugging me without warning and asking me all these questions, questions I couldn't answer because I was filled with rage. Luckily Josh and Harry began to fill him in on the situation as I walked away from them and round to the front of the house.  

Not even 5 seconds after I got round to the front of the house I seen her emerge from her car and then without warning I ran towards her and smashed her head off the car leaving everyone completely shocked, even Jj looked scared and he wasn't scared of anything. The girls had all left to help Talia with the twins as they were "screaming the house down apparently" and she couldn't handle both herself since Simon had rushed after JJ. Me on the other hand well, I was currently in the middle of almost killing someone. I only stopped when Jj screamed for me to stop , his voice cracked through the words he shouted signaling that he was about to start crying. Once last time I screamed "YOU BETTER, NOT EVER TALK ABOUT ME, JJ, MY CHILDREN OR MY FUCKING FRIENDS OR ELSE I SWEAR TO FUCK NEXT TIME I WILL SERVE JAIL TIME FOR KILLING YOU".
Darcy then began running back into her car and driving away, hopefully to never look back.
As I turned round to face everyone, they looked completely terrified.
"Never have I ever seen someone fight like that before" Harry spoke shocked at the recent events.
Jj then ran up and hugged me to make sure I was okay  as I was covered in blood, he thought it was mines.
It wasn't In fact I didn't even have a scratch on me.
We then walked in the bathroom so Jide could clean the blood of me.
The girls sat with the twins whilst I was in the bathroom, making sure they were okay.

"What the fuck was all that about El" Jj asked.
"She was talking shit about you and the twins, I wasn't going to let that slide Jj"
"Elle you could've got yourself hurt"
"I'm not that stupid Jide, I know what I'm doing"
"Do you though"
"Yes Jj, I do. I was taught to fight years ago"
"Yes really"
"By who"
"My father...."

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