34>Merry Christmas Fam: Pt 1 (EDITIED)

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25th December: 8:37 am

Jj and I woke up to the sound of the twins crying, I rolled over to face Jj and placed a kiss on his lips. "Merry Christmas Babe" I said before standing up and walking into the twins bedroom. I heard Jj saying Merry Christmas back to me before hearing him stand up and walk into the bathroom. I picked both twins up and fed them before walking downstairs where everyone was.
"Merry Christmas Fam!" Harry shouted before hugging me and the kids. Talia and Simon were nowhere to be seen but we all figured that they were sleeping still. I sat the twins in the highchairs before pouring myself a cup of coffee, Jj soon came down and did the same.
We all stood and talked for around an hour or so before going into the living area and opening our presents, Talia and Simon were taking forever to wake up so we started without them.

Everyone was mid opening presents when we heard a door slam, all heads turned towards a shouting Simon jogging down the stairs.
"FUCK OFF TALIA" He screamed before slamming the front door shut. The boys ran after him whilst, us girls all looked confused. Katie, Jade and Kay sat down stairs with Charlotte and Jayden as Freya and I sprinted up the stairs, We ran into Simon and Talia's room only to see Talia lying on the bed bawling her eyes out. I looked at Freya and pointed out the pregnancy test lying beside T. "She's pregnant" Freya mouthed. I nodded and walked over towards the broken girl. Freya and I hugged Talia and told it that It would be okay and that the boys were talking to Simon about his stupidity on walking out.

"Listen T, Remember when I told Jj about me being pregnant for the first time and he freaked out? That's probably what's happened to Si, He'll come around you know what Simon is like" I said reassuring her.
"I guess so but Elle Why did you say the first time, like there's been more times" She replied looking straight into my eyes.
"Well, I wanted to tell you all together but, I'm pregnant again!!" I announced.
Both girls jumped up in shock and attacked me with hugs.
"OH MY GOD ELLE, WERE BOTH PREGNANT!!! AT THE SAME TIME OH MY GOD" Talia screamed as she jumped with joy.
"Does Jj know?" Freya said.
"The test is in a box under the tree" I replied smiling.
"OH MY GOD I CANT BELIEVE THIS" Talia screamed yet again.

It was around 1pm and the girls were making the dinner, Simon had came back as did the boys but Simon was yet to say anything to Talia. I guess he was just in shock.
With the dinner cooking in the kitchen, we walked back into the living room and began opening the rest of our presents.
Finally Jj picked up his final present which of course was the pregnancy test I had took earlier on in the week. He ripped off the wrapping paper and opened the box, he looked at the test for a few seconds before running towards me, picking me up and then kissing me.
"Oh my god, You're joking!!" He shouted.
Everyone was clueless and was asking questions as to what was in the box. "Fam, Am gonna be a dad again" He announced proudly.
Everyone began congratulating us just like they did last time except from this time I wasn't getting engaged.
After all the excited had died down, I realised that Simon and Talia had gone, hopefully he was apologising for his stupidness earlier.

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