32>I can't (EDITIED

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6 days later and I was waking up and getting ready to bury my mother.

I had no energy when waking up this morning, Freya and Josh were looking after the twins whilst Jj and I went to my mothers funeral. It still felt weird to say that she had died, It was such a foreign feeling I guess. I still cried myself to sleep almost every night but Jj of course comforted me which I was very grateful for.
When getting ready I decided against wearing makeup, waterproof mascara was definitely not an option either.
9:04am, Jj and I began driving to the church.
The drive was quite, no conversation was made and I was perfectly fine with that. I didn't feel like talking.
We eventually pulled up at the crematorium and I was soon greeted by many family members and my mothers friends. I didn't recognize most people but Dad kept me right, I still wasn't used to calling Graham, Dad. That was too a foreign feeling.
"I would like to call up Elle-Louise, Denise's daughter" The priest, man announced. I began walking up to the podium, everyone staring at me as I walked.
My voice was shaky and I could feel myself about to break down. I glanced at her casket before opening my mouth to speak.
"Denise Grace Kennedy-Remington was my mother. She was an amazing woman, even if she was never around for most of my childhood. Mum grew up in the central of Glasgow and lived there majority of her life. She gained many friends and met most family while living there. Most people will remember her because of her attitude towards people she disliked or her love for EastEnders and her famous Sunday Roast dinner. Which may I add is bloody brilliant. But Mum's love towards her children is by far the most noticeable thing about her, She would do anything to protect them. Life wont be the same for me ever again without her there, many of you might never feel the same again. I can only hope that we will met each other again one day mum, I love you" I said walking over to her casket and placing a kiss on it.
With tears streaming down my face, I made my way over to my seat and sat down.
The priest began talking again and then before you knew the red curtains shut and everyone broke down into tears. It's heartbreaking really, knowing that she's never going to come back. My brothers and sisters beside me made me feel more secure. Jj even began crying.
"I... I cant do this" I said before running out.

This is honestly just a filler chapter thing, Im not too sure how to describe it. Thanks for reading x

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