25>Re-decorating (EDITIED)

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"My father" I said with my head hanging low.

"Your Dad was a fighter?" Jj asked hugging into me.

"I mean I guess you could call him that but then again you could call the man fucking anything and I wouldn't bat an eyelid. He used to fight in pubs, boxing rings, anywhere he fucking wanted to " 


"Yeah, Before everything between our family happened he was a boxer. He taught me to fight when I was young but he was always stronger than me so I could never really stop him from hurting me or my mum" 

It was silent for a few minutes before I spoke again. "It scares me Jj" 

"What scares you?" 

"That one day he might come back and hurt me again or worse what If I end up like him?"

"Elle baby, I promise you that I will never ever let that man come near you or hurt you again and god you are nothing like that fucking low life "

"Jj... I love you" 

"I love you so fucking much Elle, Forever and always" He said before leaning in and kissing me.
The kisses we shared always felt like the first, magical. It proved that we loved each other and would do anything to keep each other safe.


Decorating had always been my specialty, I was always the creative type growing up. Jj and I had not only decided to decorate the twins room but our room as well, including. We had currently spent the past few hours in B&Q and Ikea buying a load of shite that we would probably never use.

The boys had already started re-painting the balcony and the girls and I were currently in the twins room. We had decided that the room should just be split in two halves one half painted in a baby blue and another pink. We both felt it was more fitting. All furniture was white or a creamy colour. Mine and Jide's bedroom was going to be a cream colour with one leopard print wall.
I had already planned out where everything was going to be and roughly how long it would take.
"Jj stop it!" I shouted as pink and blue paint cover my face and body.
"You still look very sexy even in pink and blue." He said seductively.
I walked towards him kissed his lips and then without giving him a warning covered him head to toe in paint.
"You still look very sexy even in pink and blue" I said giggling.

"Guys, Charlottes crying I don't know what to do" Harry screamed from downstairs.
I instantly ran downstairs and picked Charlotte up, she was only 3 days old but I was instantly attached to her the moment I laid eyes on her the same goes for Jayden. They were my babies after all.
Jj walked into the room, Jayden in hands. "Elle guess what"
"What Jj"
"18 days and you become my wife"
"Oh my god, In 19 days its our anniversary"
"It doesn't feel like that long does it?" He said before embracing me in yet another hug.
"No, It really doesn't. Who ever knew that 4 years ago I would've ever had children at this age and be getting married"
"It's quite strange"
"Yeah... It is"

Decided to do a double update bcoz I got bored. So the weddings soon but will everything actually go to plan?

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