26>Its only a matter of days (EDITIED)

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13 days

I had never been more stressed in my life. I never ever thought that planning a wedding would be this fucking stressful. 
I had been going to the gym for at least 3 hours a day trying to lose the last of this baby weight so I could actually fit into my dress and not have to pay extra to get it altered. Everyone was being such a massive help with the house, wedding and twins an I couldn't thank them anymore. I was certain everyone who lived in the house was sick to death of hearing the words "Thank you" come from my mouth.

Today the girls and I were going to get the dresses and other little things that we needed. The dress I had picked months ago was absolutely beautiful but we had to leave it in the shop because I wanted to be extra and add more sparkles to it.

It was 10 am on a Sunday morning and surprisingly no one was hungover, everyone was too busy to have a drink. I woke up and did the usual, check the twins, feed them and stuff. Go for a shower, eat then get dressed. I felt as though a hadn't worn makeup in weeks because in reality I hadn't. I had been far too busy with everything to even think about makeup or my hair for that matter. In all honestly my hair hasn't left a bun unless I've washed it.


The girls and I had left about 12:30 and we were now walking into the dress shop for the last time because my dress was finally ready to come home.
The girls dresses were a peach colour with diamonds over some parts. My dress was a bright white colour with pearls, sparkly diamonds and everything a girl would want on her wedding day to make her feel like a princess. Freya's dress was a little different because she was my maid of honor, Her dress was a darker peachy colour almost orange but was still very beautiful of course. 

With the dresses now sorted all we had left was the cake and god It took ages to fucking decide that one.

10 days

With 10 days left to go the nerves had really started kicking in. I had this gut feeling in my stomach and felt as though something really horrible was going to happened and I had no clue what it was. Jj of course kept reassuring me, telling me that everything would be okay but I still had this feeling.
We have started decorating the place where we were getting married. Even with this feeling I still couldn't wait to marry my soulmate.

5 days

There was 5 days left until the wedding. The nerves were still there but of course is was more just excitement. Simon and Jj had wrote there speeches, Well at least I think they have and The girls were helping me write my vows. I had no idea if Jj had or not, which made me quite worried since her often left things to the last minute. All week we had people arriving including family, friends and a few others we had invited to the wedding. We had quickly began running out of room for everyone so booking new arrivals into hotels was the next option.

2 days

Stag Do... The boys had been excited about this since Jj had proposed.
I had no idea where they were going or what they were doing. All we knew was they're getting absolutely shitfaced, as were the girls because is was my hen night as well. Graham was looking after the twins and so was my mum. It was 6pm and we were all getting ready. The sidemen house had never been so busy. Freya, Talia, Emily, Katie, Sarah, Zoe, Tanya, Gee, Nia, Steph, Elisha and Kay were in my room whilst the boys were in Simons room.
With the time nearing to 8 o'clock the boys were about to leave and so were the girls. We all stepped out side and hopped into about 6 taxis, I wouldn't be able to see Jj until the wedding so I made my way over to him.
"See you in 2 days baby" He said before kissing me passionately.
"I love you, Have a good night" I told him lovingly.
"I love you too" He said as we parted.
I made my way into one of the taxis and immediately started drinking, I hadn't drank any alcohol in 10 months due to being pregnant. I had missed it.

1 day

Waking up the next morning, I was covered in neon paint, glowsticks, glitter and sick. With all the energy I had I made my way off the floor and into the bathroom. Immediately jumping into a shower to clean off everything, I felt a little better. When coming out the bathroom I noticed that it was only 7am and that I had only been in the house for about an hour. I was still so drunk so I went into the spare room which thankfully wasn't dirty, cuddled up in the covers and went back to sleep.
The whole day was practically spent on sleeping, well that was until about 5 o'clock when the hair, makeup, nails and tanning girls came. I had been friends with Kimberly, Chloe, Rachel and Amber for years. Amber had began doing my spray tan and everyone was either in a shower, dying on the couch or watching something. Chloe was doing Freya's nails. The rest of the night was spent prepping for the next day. 
I went to my bed at 10 o'clock because I had to be up at 7 the next morning.
With excitement and nervousness running through my body, I closed my eyes preparing my self for the next day.

Okay so I didnt want to write about 5 chapters explaining all the days leading upto the wedding so I just made it into the one chapter with different sections. Wedding chapter should be up later tonight. Thanks for reading x

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