Chapter #5: The Wedding Day

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*A/N Last chapter I meant to say Kawaii~Chan not Lucinda so I changed it*

🦊Blue's P.O.V🦊

Great! Today's the wedding day... and I'm not in a great mood I layed in my bed, Levin and I weren't in the room like all the others we were out in the chest room my bed under his cradle "I feel so loved" I sighed rolling onto my back, it was so early it was still dark out I rolled onto my feet and walked into Aphmaus room "What're you doing in here runt?" Phoenix asked "I was lonely" "You have no heart what are you talking about" he teased "Well even Shadow knights get lonely too..." I mumbled.

He just laughed "Get back out there" I nodded and walked out jumping back into my bed "I have great friends..." "Who said we were your friends?!" Phoenix called out "Wow! Thanks!" I said surcasticly I plopped back into my bed and fell asleep.

🌟Time Skip: Few Hours Later🌟

"Com'on Blue get your booty up" Aphmau nudged me with her foot, I jumped up and happily followed her "What do you want Master?" I yapped "We need to get you dressed up, you slept most the day" I looked around, everyone was dressed except me "Opps..." "Com'on" Aphmau motioned for me to come out from under the cradle I did as told and walked towards her she roughly picked me up and got me dressed.

We each had our same clothes on as we did the stag and bridal party "Nice" Laurence nodded at me with approval I just smiled back "Com'on guys let's get going" Aphmau held Levin in her arms we walked out of the house and to the docks Aphmau passed Levin to Laurence and us 'dogs' sat a little to the side "Cadenza did a good job on the outfits didn't she Blue?" Thorgi asked sitting up proudly "Yea... the people of this town... are... great..." my ears went down I have to slay the lord.... I have to I kept telling myself this.

The priest of o'kasis looks... familiar... have I assainated for him before? The priest had black hair covering his one eye and a mask over his face "Why is the priest aloud to wear something covering his face but... not the gaurds...?" I asked looking at Phoenix, he just shrugged "Your a huge help" I sighed I looked up and saw a brown haired woman in a big white dress slowly walk up onto the stage(?)

"We are gathered here today by family and friends to celebrate Donna and Logan's wedding. These two souls will be joining forever as one in this realm and the next. The bond of eternity will keep them together and in that bond they will find companionship and love. Logan do you take Donna to be your lawfully wedded wife?" "I do" I could literally see Aphmau fangirling "And Donna, do you take Logan to be your lawfully wedded husband?" "I do!" She giggled "Then take these rings with them you will hold each other in a sacred bond... does anyone object?" No one dared to stand "It is now my honor to present to you Mr. and Mrs. You may now kiss the bride!" The two kissed and soon after, the party started.

It was getting kinda dark but it was Nice, everyone was dancing and having a grand time though I do thing Dale... Molly's husband was... drunk I looked at the food stand sitting waiting for one of the young kids to give me food "Com'on Kyle?! Leviiiin give me fooood" I cried looking at the meat, cheese, crackers, grapes but most importantly the delicious looking cake Kawaii~Chan had made... after a bit of me staring at the food I heard Aphmau yell "GARROTH!" I turned to see Aphmau's head guard Garroth out of uniform... thats the reason he didn't come for the reception...? it was because he didn't want to remove his helm and show his face... I wonder why...

I looked back at the food, I looked around and waited for no one to watch, once it was clear I propped my front paws on the table and let my tail wag as I looked at all the food, rum and punch on the table in front of me "Get down you good for nothing dog!" An old lady yelled throwing a shoe at me and a cat hissed I yelped and jumped down running to Aphmau, Laurence, her, and Garroth laughed at me "I hate humans" I grumbled "Aphmau... May I have this dance?" Garroth asked holding out his hand "Of course Garroth" she took his hand and they started to dance.

I walked back to the food table and tried to act cuter "Hey... Runt..." Phoenix called to me, I turned around and smiled "....would... you like to dance with me...?" "What...? How... we're wolves- your... a wolf..." Phoenix smirked "Follow me" he slowly started to walk into the forest or... tree filled area... it's really not a forest he stoped about in the middle of the forest like area, I looked around "What's the point of this?" I asked looking back at him... when I looked his way there was a tall blue grey haired male with gray ears and tail wearing an aqua blue bowtie around his neck and a tux "Ta da..." He did the jazz hands...

"Pheonix...?" I asked turning into my human form "All wolves are werewolves they just haven't found there human form yet... but... I have" he held his hand out to me "That... kinda...makes sence... but that.... was really cheesy"  I mumbled taking his hand "Um... Phoenix... I don't know how to dance..." I blushed "Just feel the music" "wise words!" I heard Thorgi yell "Does... anyone else know about... your... new form...?" I asked following his graceful  movement "No... other than the pack and you... none of the humans know" "Wait.. so I'm not part of the pack??" Pheonix ignored and continued dancing after a few minutes of us dancing Phoenix ended the dance by dipping me closer to the ground.

My tail swept the ground "Wow... your a great dancer!" I smiled opening my eyes slowly "Thanks..." Phoenix blushed "How'd you learn?" He still help me close to the ground "I don't know... honestly..." "Where's Phoenix and Blue?!" I heard Aphmau yell obviously scared "Blue?! Phoenix?!" She yelled louder "We should probably get back..." the both of us swapped into our wolf forms and trotted back to the town square, Phoenix walked up to Aphmau "There you are!" Aphmau bent down and patted his head "Soooo?!" Cookie instantly came up to me and asked "What?" I looked at her unsure of what she wanted to know "How was the dance?!" Her tail started to wag energetically "It... was...... nice" I smiled.

The two of us talked for a bit until I felt a little child run in behind me and grab me by the collar holding on tightly as I stood up, the child's legs wrapped around my hips as if I were a horse "What the?!?" I growled "Go puppy!" Levin yelled "Heh... Kiddo... mind getting off of me?" I asked kindly as I slowly trotted around trying not to let the little Levin fall "Levin? What're you doing to poor Blue?" Aphmau chuckled picking up Levin off of me she then started to play dance with him.

After a bit Aphmau and Garroth watched as Donna and Logan sailed off in the boat Aphmau had made for them, Phoenix and I sat and Aphmau's feet not wanting to leave her side, Zoey had brought Levin and the rest of the pack home "Aww there they go... Wait Garroth why are you still here?" "That was a nice wedding..." he smiled, he looked like he wanted to say something else but he kept his mouth close.

"Yea... it was..." "Hey... Aphmau... so you think that we..." Aphmau cut Garroth off "What...? Zane?" The priest walked down the staircase, Phoenix and I started to growl at him "Wait... what.... what is Zane doing here..?" Aphmau asked "At last... I knew there was something about you... long time no see... big brother...." Aphmau looked at him in disbelief... after a little bit of silence between them Aphmau spoke again "W-Wait... Wait wait... let me get this straight... you guys are brothers?!" Aphmau yelled "I can totally see the resemblance" I
Joked looking at Phoenix who was still growling at the priest his sharp canine fangs showing "Yes.." Garroth looked down ashamed.

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