Chapter #13: The Great Escape

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🦊DJ's P.O.V🦊

"Foolish South eastern werewolf lead us right to humans base" one of the werewolves explained to the alpha "did you really think that howling would scare us away?" Another laughed "It... was an accident..." I replied my voice really quiet "Your stronger than other werewolf. Use potion on this werewolves" the alpha looked at one of the werewolves. They were holding me up by the arms my feet unable to touch the ground. My head hung low and ears down on the sides of my head "There's no point on using any-..." I was cut off by some kind of potion being thrown on me it not only sent pain through my body but shivers through my bones.

The werewolves let me fall to the ground. I held my head and straightened my spine in pain. "W-What did you use on me?!" I snarled "A pups potion." I was confused the alphas English was really bad. What does he mean? A potion made by a pup or a potion that would- before my thoughts could finish I was a pup. I wasn't able to control my body though I was in a lot of pain but my tounge hung out of my mouth and my tail wagged in excitement "Perfect! Now throws the werewolf into the cell with the humans!" The Alpha ordered. The werewolves grabbed me by my scruff and brought me into the prison he opened the door than threw me in the cell I hit the wall fell and I heard a squeak. The door shut and what ever was controlling me forced me to get up.

Whatever squeaked was some kind of toy. I started to play with it chewing on it my tail wagged "DJ...?" Sir Garroth looked at me from the cell across from the one I was in "Woof!" I barked not being able to do anything else. "Thats... Blue....?" Lady Aphmau leaned down towards me no no no! Please tell me this is just another one of my dumb nightmares! My mind screamed but my body showed no other feeling than happiness "They used some weird potion on your friend..." an orange haired witch said sitting on the ground beside me. Logan and Malachi were asleep and Owly was fluttering around the witch in excitement. "Some kind of weird... pup potion... tell me Aphmau... was your friend a strong werewolf?" I tried to answer the witch with a nod but my brain would not control my actions.

"Very... he's a shadow knight and a former assain..." Don't tell her about me being an assain! My mind kept yelling but no word escaped my mouth "He was too strong for them to weaken him any other way so this is how they delt with him... by turning him into a pup... but... if we can get him to break the potion but stay a pup he could help us escape..." escape! I would love too... but... I have no chance of breaking this potion I'm too weak right now... I need to be healed. "Woof! Grr..!" I yapped and pounced on my squeaky bird toy I have to admit it was pretty fun to play with.

No! DJ stop playing around and concentrait on getting these guys out of here! But it's soooo fun to play with! No! I fell to the ground and held my head trying not to reopen my seven other scars already on my head "See he's trying to break the potion" the witch said casually "Can you help him?!" Lady Aphmau started to panick "Its all on him, I can't help there's no way to help. Just pray to Irene that he can do it himself" "Lucinda?! Are you joking me?! There's absolutely no way to help him?!" Lady Aphmau asked she picked me up and cradled me "Cheer him on I guess. Maybe remind him of who he is...?" Lucinda suggested.

"You can do it!" Lady Aphmau put me back on the ground and cheered for me I... I can do it... com'on get your own mind back Ugh! I can't! I need healing! I stopped trying and let my body do what it wants. It's tail wagged "Lucinda! His mind is weakened... something odd has been going on with him" "get some rest... I have a plan..." "What?! What is it?!" Aphmau jumped up and looked at the witch "Get some rest... it can only be executed at night anyways" "ok..." Aphmau dropped onto the ground falling asleep almost instantly "Wow she sure was tired wasn't she...?" Yea.... she was I looked at Aphmau but my body moved it's head away and looked at Owly. I jumped up from my place on the ground and chased him "Woof! Woof!" Owly flew around Lucinda's feet Owly seemed not to go up any higher than the ground.

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