Chapter #17: How Long Has It Been...?

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🦊DJ's P.O.V🦊

I sat in the small house leaning up against the wall, I had drunken the potion Lucinda had given me. It was keeping me in my human form but it was still causing me pain which I think she did on purpose, she wants you to feel pain My dark side growled. No. No. She must've put in a few wrong ingredients or maybe she didn't know that it would still cause me pain "Aphmau, Aphmau... Can I please talk to Aphmau?" "Hold on" I could hear Garroth speak, but I couldn't see him... I couldn't see anything "I'll go get her" The quick patter of Garroths feet disappeared as he ran away.

When he returned there were multiple peoples foot steps walking towards me, I sniffed the air "Luna... Lyla... Thank you" I held out my arms I first felt a tiny body jump into my arms the bigger on joining afterwards "I'm real Sorry about taking your necklace sir" Lyla spoke in a kind way, thats a first "It's ok, you returned it that's it that's all"

"Lady Aphmau was sleeping... I didn't want to wake her" I nodded "Let her rest, she's probably in pain" I felt arms wrap around my body as something was whispered into my ear the soft voice mumbled than backed away, what Luna had said caused me to smiled 'You're stronger than any werewolf I've ever met, don't let the insiders tell you you're an outsider'  wise words if you do ask me. "Thanks Luna" I blushed at her words I'm not strong, if I were strong I'd be out there right now. training to be a better gaurd  I stayed silent for a few moments than spoke.

"Where's Levin...? And Malachi?" "Zoe has them, don't worry they're safe" Garroth spoke, I could hear him sift uncomfortably in his hot and heavy armour "May I see them?" Garroth's helm rumbled indicating that he had nodded. He once again walked off "Lyla and I are moving to town... Lady Aphmau is setting up a house for us..." I smiled "That's good, Are you giving up on the assain life?" "Yes, I figured here would be safer for Lyla, especially with all the new people, she can meet everyone and be safe when roaming alone freely about the village."

I nodded smiling a warm happy smile, I had changed Lylas ways of hiding into a true child's life That made me happy to know that "DJ! your ok!" Malachi ran up to me and gave me a tight squeeze "Yes, just hurts a bit." I replied "you can't see can you?" How'd he know...? "Yes... How'd" "Your eyes are closed, plus you seem... lost" "I'm not lost, just... sad, I would love to see you, Garroth, Lyla and Luna's face."

"Open your eyes" Malachi said simply letting out a chuckle "Malachi that's not how-" "Puppy!" Levin walked up to me and fell into my lap, he was a happy boy. "You guys should go, DJ should get his rest"  Garroth suggested,"Ok, Bye DJ!" Lyla jumped up, I heard the sound of a hand touching a ghost "C'mon Malachi! Levin! let's go to play at the park outside your house!" The three young children ran off "How long have I been out for...?" "Not long..." Garroth replied "Sir Garroth, is Sir DJ finally awake...?" the voice I've been longing to hear came walking in "Lady Aphmau!" I spoke, I opened my eyes slightly and saw a blurry outline of a person.

"Come here, I would like to give something to you" Aphmaus head cocked and she walked closer kneeling beside me, I took the necklace off my neck and put it around Lady Aphmaus neck "I want you to have it" "But- DJ... this is from your parents...." "I don't care, your more dangerous than me and I want people to know not to mess with you" Aphmau chuckled and smiled "Thank you... I will gaurd this with my life..." She held the necklace than hugged me tightly "Now, get some rest. You need your strength" "Ok, Lady Aphmau. I will t..." I quickly fell asleep not even finishing my sentence.

I woke up, I felt groggy and still tired but I was no longer in my human form, I was a giant wolf. I heard light sobs and someone hugging me "Please... Please wake up" I heard a whimper, It was Malachi. I opened my eyes halfway and searched around, Malachi was crying into my fur and Lady Aphmau was sitting beside me, tears dripping down her cheeks as Levin cuddled his face into her chest. "G-Guys?" I spoked in a mellow voice "DJ!" Aphmau wiped away her tears "Look, Puppy is awake" Aphmau pulled Levin out of her chest and wiped away his tears "Puppy!" Levin ran up to me falling onto my snout and hugging it.

Levin's whole body was about the size of my large, muscular jaw his fingers the size of my front fangs. I chuckled "Yes, I missed you too Levin" I lifted up my head which made him let go "DJ, I missed you so much" Malachi's words were muffled by my fur "But I wasn't gone long..." "Yes you were..." Garroth spoke "You were gone for a few months" Aphmau finished "W-What...? What did I miss?" "Molly, had a baby" "What?!" My ears perked high "And Zane... turned her into a shadow knight" My ears fell and I whimpered "No" "She's in a coma... We were terrified we would lose both you and Alexis..." a tear dripped down Aphmaus face "Its ok Lady Aphmau... I'm here now" I spoke in a soft voice.

"Come here" Aphmau smiled and looked at me, she held the dangerous necklace in her hands. Aphmaus eyes were blood shot, and she had dark bags under her eyes. She got out of her place on the ground and came over hugging me, I wrapped my neck around her body as much as I could, hugging her back. She started to sob again "I can't lose you or any of you, you guys are my best friends" "C'mon Garroth, be a little soft for once, come here" with my tail I motioned for Garroth to come over to me, He sighed and came over. He fell onto his knees and hugged me ".... I missed you......." he mumbled into my ear, I think only I could hear his words.

"I should get out..." I laughed as the three let go of me, Malachi didn't want to let go of me though. "Yea, Before you fall asleep again... I can't have you falling asleep like that again..." Aphmau got up wiping her eyes once again "I should bring these two home... Zoe probably misses them" I nodded "Come on Malachi, we've got to let DJ do his thing" Malachi whimpered hugging me tight then letting go "Bye DJ... I'll see you later!" Malachi and Levin followed their mother out of the house.

"She stayed with you the whole time... She didn't leave your side..... Not to eat, not to drink, not to see the sun... She was too worried about you..." "No... Is she ok?" "Yea... I brought her food and water... you should probably go see your horse, he's been freaking out ever since you passed out..." "Oh... No... poor Sheep... he must think I left him..." I forced myself into my human form and got up, my legs feeling like jello as I stepped forward. Finally I got outside, I instantly fell to my knees "Are you ok!?" a girl ran to my side, she had glasses and magenta eyes "Y-Yes" I replied "Wh-When I change... please don't freak out..." "Change...? what do you m-" I stopped fighting my body and allowed it to switch me.

"Oh.. my... Irene" The girl looked up at me in complete and utter shock "Your...." "A werewolf... I know..." "No.... way... Your kind of werewolf is... is supposed to be extinct" "I know..." I quickly swapped back finally gaining control of my giant wolf form "My name's DJ by the way" I held out my hand "I'm Emmalyn!" She cheered happily shaking my hand. "I have to go check my horse, he's pure white horse... do you know where he is?" "Oh! you mean that physco horse that's in the town square tied up?" "Tied up?!" I growled angrily. I stopped talking to Emmalyn and instantly ran to the town square, Kiki had her hand on Sheep's snout trying to calm him as he panicked rearing up "Sheep!" I called. As soon as he heard my voice he broke free of his lead and ran to me.

"It's ok boy, it's ok!" I patted his head "Your ok, I'm ok. Ok?" Sheep winnied and neighed his front hooves shuffling impatiently, I calmed him hugging his neck "Its ok boy" I looked at Kiki, containing my anger that she had tied up a mostly wild horse "Kiki, one rule to gaining Sheep's trust is: No. Tying. Him. Up." I said slowly "Oh... I'm sorry, I didn't know" I sighed "It's ok... we all make mistakes but... I do thank you for caring for him... He doesn't like when I'm away from him for too long" "Its no problem! I love helping animals!" I smiled warmly "Anyways..." I could feel my wolf form wanting to come back out "I've got to go... I might come by and visit, I'm DJ" "and I'm Kiki" I nodded "I knew that" I smirked jumping onto Sheep and galloping to Aphmau's house.

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