→ 𝟎𝟎𝟓; the girlfriend, alice

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( time heals all wounds )

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               ( w h o e v e r' s )  brilliant idea it was to bring a bunch of high school students to a greenhouse, should get fired. That's what Sabrina concluded anyway. It wasn't that she didn't enjoy spending time outside of the classroom, it was just that Sabrin wasn't too fond of the idea that the smell of fertilizer might just be permanently stuck in her nose. At the moment Sabrina was standing next to her cousin, who was staring at Edward Cullen as he got out of her designated bus. 

"Look at you. Huh, you're alive!" Mike, another one of Bella's friends said as he popped out of nowhere, blocking Bella's view of Edward Cullen. Sabrina sidestepped away from the two of them so that they could speak among friends. She looked around and sighed, she made sure to make a mental note of the place's layout, she might just find time to draw it later. 

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you if - if, um, it's a month away. But, do you, wanna go to - go to prom w-with me?" Mike nervously asked Bella, whose eyes were still on Hairy Cullen — uh, Edward Cullen.

Sabrina's eyes widened, however, as she heard the boy's words. She'd known for some time that Mike liked Bella, and she was sure everyone and their mother knew. The only person who didn't, or who chose not to acknowledge the fact, was Bella herself. But, Sabrina had always thought it was one of those harmless crushes, that which one admires from a distance; Mike had surprised her. He had collected enough courage to ask Bella out, and to prom no less, Sabrina had gained some respect for him. Even so, she wasn't going to stick around and witness him get rejected by Bella who already had feelings for someone else. No, Mike would already feel humiliated, having a bystander there to wouldn't do him any good. 

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Sabrina roamed around the greenhouse, looking at all the plants. Oh, and the other plants, and let's not forget the other plants. In conclusion, there wasn't much to look at in a greenhouse. But then again, she wasn't exactly sure why she even expected there to be more. 

"You seem disappointed." a voice behind the girl, caused her to jump in surprise. She turned and saw Jasper with a petite girl on his arm. The girl was pale like him, with a dark pixie haircut, small features, and very thin, she too had the same coloured eyes at the previous Cullen's Sabrina had encountered. 

"Please, don't do that again. I could have died." Sabrina spoke to him, but her eyes were on the girl he had his arm around. Was this 'Alice' his foster sister, whom he was dating? 

Sabrina couldn't help but get self-conscious around her. The girl was gorgeous, and weren't the pretty ones usually mean? What if 'Alice' didn't like her? What if she told her to stay away from Jasper? Sabrina's heart rate picked up as she started to get nervous.

Jasper stared at the girl in front of him, and Sabrina felt a wave of calmness wash over her once more. That always happened whenever she was around him. Did that make her a leech? Sabrina wondered. One of the only reasons why Sabrina was even friends with Jasper was because whenever she was around him she always felt calm. Did that count as using someone? If so, that would make Sabrina a bad person, wouldn't it?

"My apologies Sabrina, this is Alice, she's —" before Jasper was finished, Sabrina cut him off mid-sentence. 

"Your girlfriend." she finished for him, it kind of just slipped out. The girl hoped it didn't make her sound jealous or something. Sabrina had no romantic feelings what so ever about Jasper. Sure, he was nice to look at, but that was it. Though he was pretty nice as well — and he did have good sandwiches. But that didn't matter, because their relationship (if they even had much of one) was completely platonic. 

Alice smiled at the blonde girl in front of her, as she unhooked herself from Jasper and threw her arms around Sabrina. Who was taken by surprise, she hadn't been hugged in a long time. It was strange, but it also felt nice. Sabrina noticed how cold Alice was, still, her hug gave her warmth. 

"It's great to finally meet you. I have a feeling we're going to be great friends." Alice said in an upbeat tone of voice. It wasn't a fake one either. Alice genuinely seemed like a happy person.

"Uh, sure. . ." Sabrina awkwardly tapped the girl's back as she hugged her. The rest of the time in the greenhouse Sabrina spent with Jasper and Alice as a third wheel, before she found her way back to her cousin. Bella seemed bothered by something, and when something bothered Bella it was usually Edward related. 

"He's hiding something," Bella told Sabrina, as they boarded the school bus that was ready to take the students back to school. Sabrina knew she had to prepare herself for another one of Bella sessions, where she'd reveal her frustrations, curiosity, and a slight obsession with Edward Cullen. 

"Isn't everyone at least hiding one thing from other people?" Sabrina pointed out, as they sat down in an empty seat.

Bella bit her bottom lip, she was just so passionate about anything related to Edward it sometimes clouded her reasonable judgement. "But I feel like this is important. I don't know how to explain it's just —"

"A hunch?"


Sabrina nodded, "I understand that. But if you're going to try and crack the case and it happens to be something insane, please don't drag me into it." she told her while sitting back, and placing her knees on the back of the seat in front of them. Sabrina took out her father's journal and start drawing.

"I promise, I won't drag you into it."

"Thank you."

Sabrina was most definitely dragged into it. If she hadn't been there wouldn't be much of a story now, would there? 

𝖘𝖆𝖇𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖆 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍 ━━━  twilight sagaWhere stories live. Discover now