→ 𝟎𝟎𝟔; "i'll have to decline"

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( ✧ la push baby, it's la push ✧ )

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                ( s a b r i n a )   had her earbuds in her ears, as she listened to music alone in the hallway during her lunch hour. Her entire essence was focused as she scribbled on the pages of her father's old journal, while her head lightly bobbed to the beat of the song. She was so distracted that she didn't notice when someone had to walk up towards her until the person tapped on her shoulder. Sabrina pulled away from her artwork, she looked up and saw Bella, her cousin and now housemate, staring down at her. Sabrina turned down the volume of her music and took out one of her earbuds. 

"Yes?" she spoke, wondering what exactly had brought Bella to her, when usually at this time she'd be in the cafeteria with the rest of her friends. 

"La Push." Bella blurted out. Sabrina looked at her confused, was she suppose to know what that meant? 

"Excuse me?" 

"I got invited to go to La Push beach, and I want you to come." The older girl explained her words.

"Isn't it a bit cold to go down to the beach?" Sabrina pointed out. Everything about this situation was suspicious. She didn't understand why Bella was even inviting her to attend this "beach day", it wasn't as if they had that type of relationship just yet. Sure, the two girls lived together now and were blood relatives, but as far as inviting each other to "fun outings" with a group of friends went Sabrina wasn't sure if they were on that level just yet.

 But maybe to Bella, it was different? 

"It'll be fun, for you — everyone." Bella slipped up and tried to recover from her mistake. Sabrina exhaled as she nodded. Now she understood why Bella wanted her to come to this "beach day" with her and her friends. It wasn't because of how "close" they had gotten but instead it was a pity invitation; Bella was worried about her well being. Sabrina could appreciate the gesture, it felt good knowing that Bella cared. Even so, there was a part of her who didn't want to accept being a charity case. 

"I'm not sure if that's the best idea," Sabrina answered her honestly. Bella frowned, she bit her bottom lip as if she was thinking of something, probably a way to convince the girl to reconsider. 

"Right, o-okay." the girl turned to leave, before turning back to Sabrina again. "You can bring someone with you if you'd like. You're allowed to do that." 

Sabrina blinked, it wasn't as though Bella's words were that extraordinary, but something about the information she'd given had and made the girl think of someone to invite.  

"Well, I'll think about it. Thanks." Sabrina nodded at the brunette. 

"Okay . . ." Bella turned and walked away, Sabrina watched her leave, before placing her earbud back in her ear, her fingers turned up the volume so that the sound was blasting in her ears drowning out any outside disturbances. The blonde twirled her the pen in her hand before placing it on the paper and continuing with her sketches. 

✧ °彡°✧

Once school was over, Sabrina waited by Bella's old, run-down truck for the girl to arrive so that she could go back to Charlie's. As she stood there waiting alone she felt as though someone was watching her. The girl looked up from the notebook in her hands and caught the eyes of Jasper Cullen, her 'friend'. The words Bella had told her during lunch had begun to replay in her mind. 

'She said that I could invite someone.' 

Sabrina's mouth automatically stretched into a smile when she saw him as a wave of calmness washed over her body. A regular occurrence whenever she was within Jasper's eyesight. The girl's faded blue irises drifted to the front entrance of the school, there was no sign of Bella. So, Sabrina made her way over to her pale friend. 

"Do you like the beach?" she blurted out as soon as she got close to him. Jasper raised an eyebrow at the girl. He was a bit taken aback by her bluntness.

"The beach?"

"Yes. As in sand, and usually, salt-water, sometimes there are marine creatures and algae." Sabrina rambled, as she twisted her mother's wedding ring. A sign of how nervous she was to reveal why she'd truly came over. 

Jasper smiled, "I happen to enjoy the beach, why?"

"Bella and her friends are going to some beach in La Push, and they invited me. So, now I'm inviting you, I just don't want to be the tag along." the girl explained to him. She watched as Jasper's smile slowly faded away, once she spoke the words 'La Push'. 

"I-I don't think I'll be able to make it," he told the girl.  Sabrina blinked as she looked at him suspiciously. She knew he was lying but she didn't know why he'd go to the trouble. 

"I haven't even told you when it is yet. How could you possibly —" 

"I'm very busy these days and hardly ever have any free time. I'll have to decline." he interrupted her before she was even finished speaking her thoughts. 

"You're declining?" Sabrina used the exact term he used. 

"I' sorry." he said, his accent was thick that time, before walking away to meet up with the rest of his 'siblings'. Sabrina stood there, completely stunned at how things had gone down.  

She blinked her eyes a few times trying to replay the conversation in her mind once more. By the end of it, Jasper seemed, defensive? Had she said something wrong? Or maybe he was mad at her for something?

Sabrina turned on her heels and walked back to Bella's truck where she tried to figure out where things had gone wrong in her conversation with Jasper. She hoped she didn't just offend the one person who made her feel better. She twisted her mother's ring, as she blinked, the calmness from before had completely vanished and was replaced with ferocious anxiety. 

𝖘𝖆𝖇𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖆 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖈𝖍 ━━━  twilight sagaWhere stories live. Discover now