Chapter 4

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I woke up to being cradled in the boys arms. I looked up at him and started study his appearance. He was a little taller than I was and he was skinny. He had long black hair that came almost to his eyes, his skin was very pale and cold, and his eyes were gorgeous. They were fierce blue, not a dark blue like the blue you see in the middle of the night, but the kind of blue that takes your breath away and that will mesmerise you, the kind that makes you lose yourself if you stare into them too long. He was wearing a red jacket and underneath it was an Asking Alexandria t-shirt with black skinny jeans. He had no piercings, that is, that I could see anyways. He looked down at me, " So you're finally awake. How do you feel?" he asked. " I feel fine I guess, my neck hurts really bad though." He started to say something then stopped, as if he was choking on his words. Then he started back up, " You may not believe me but you were jumped and attacked by a gang of vampires." I stuttered for a minute then just smiled, " Ya when I saw the fangs I guessed that." He Kind of laughed, " Smartalic huh?" I replied, " Only to lighten the mood I guess." He smiled at me then said, " I'm afraid I have bad news though but there's good news too. You were bitten but it was a slight puncture, not big but you did lose blood, which is why you blacked out. There was venom that entered your bloodstream but I got there quick enough to pull most of it out, which is why your neck is wrapped." I noticed his teeth, they are so pearly white, they look like they just got professionally done. I smiled, " Thank you, you saved my life." We stared at each other for a few seconds, gazing into one another's eyes. " I will have to give you some antibiotics for the pain and To make sure the venom is one-hundred percent destroyed." " That's fine," I told him. " Oh you can't put me down by the way." He set me down reluctantly. " My names Jackie. What's your name?" He answered, " My name is Zeek but I prefer Z." We started walking when within a matter of seconds, I dropped to the ground. Z rushed by my aside, " Are you ok?" " Ya just a little dizzy and light headed," I said. " He picked me up, " We need to get you to my place and get you those injections." We rushed off at the speed of light, me in Z's arms.

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