Time has passed, and the new year had come in, and Nicolas sold his penthouse, and completely moved in with Celine, and they went to Las Vegas to celebrate the new year, and went back to New York, and Nicolas went on back to work, and Celine had recorded some songs with two famous artist, and was very well happy with her life, and was ready to travel to Montreal, and she had put that on hold when she was at home with Janet one weekend, and Nicolas and his brother Maurice were out at a studio recording with a famous band, and Maurice played bass guitar, and Nicolas was on drums helping out with the band, and they recorded for hours, and going over some tracks with other artist, and Nicolas Cooperation was doing very well, and he steady was working all the time, and one evening Janet, and Celine was spending time at the mall, and Celine was looking at some baby clothes, and Janet said no girl, no Celine are you? Celine looked at Celine, and said to her do I look pregnant, and Janet said your not eating much these days, and just eating small meals, and you know you love to eat a full meal Celine, and your hair has gotten long, so did you have your cycle? Celine couldn't say anything, and keep on looking at the clothing for boys, and girls. That's when Janet said go take a test, and find out, it's almost March Celine, your drinking has stopped I see except drinking seltzer water. Janet said I would say you're definitely pregnant. Nicolas has picked up a few pounds in his face Janet said with a smile, and Celine said you just had to keep on till I tell you if I'm pregnant or not? Janet if I was...I would've told Nicolas by now. Now enough of baby talk what about you, and Maurice? Janet said to Celine your mood has changed too, your kind of grouchy these days.
Now Celine, and Nicolas relationship has been going just great as the time goes by, and she knows she missed a few cycles, and played it off with Nicolas, and he's been working so much with the new band, and didn't notice, but Celine was afraid for some reason to tell him, and she thought it was stress, and was just missing menstrual cycles. Celine missed February cycle, and now the middle of March so she's one month, and a half late on her cycle.
Celine decided they were through shopping, and she dropped Janet off home so Janet can be there for the children, and Maurice was on his way home, and Nicolas stayed late at the studio. Celine's now at home, and fixing dinner until Nicolas said he was working late, and will be home with in another four to five hours, and Celine was alright see you when you get home, and your food will be in the fridge, and all you have to do is warm it. Nicolas on the other end of the phone, and said alright Baby I'm missing you, and Celine said she was missing him also, and hang up the phone, and Nicolas was like she didn't even say I love you, and that's not like her, as he just looked at the phone, and was thinking am I not giving her enough attention lately? Okay he said to himself he couldn't work under stress, and it's been stressful for him, and Celine was doing all she could relieve his stress, and she did, and didn't realize she was pregnant, and she went back into that bathroom, and taken a pregnancy test, and it come up positive, and she definitely was pregnant. Celine picked up the phone, and called to make a appointment with her gynecologist. Celine just sit there in her bathroom looking at the test, and start to cry, and thought about she couldn't drink or smoke when she was stressed out because she was pregnant, and didn't want to mess that up. Celine had prepared dinner, and she tried to eat something, and she couldn't keep the steak down when she would take bites, and run to the bathroom, and vomit it up, and she eaten nothing but crackers, and the mash potatoes. She was tired, and she put away Nicolas dinner like she said she would, and went upstairs, and got on her laptop to read some articles, and the article about the night club shooting last year was right there where she can see it, and she started to read, and seen Vanessa's name, and she keep on reading till she seen that the article said the deceased Vanessa was just having her first drink when shots ring out loud in the club one survivor said, and that's when Celine stopped, and started to cry again, and she put her laptop aside, and cried herself to sleep.
Real Love Never Dies.
NouvellesTime was, and time after time will continue unto the next generations. Will they ever end the love for one another? Only in this time 2018 will tell. Their both are back from the year 1600's living in France, and now living in New York. Nicolas Rou...