Part 11

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Do you agree with the picture, I do. Some people know that words hurt. I hope you enjoy this chapter because this is the last day in SAO and yes I am skipping the two days of training.

Two Days Later (Floor 75)

Two days have past and we never wasted a day. They trained like there was no tomorrow. I told them not to stay up late but everyone was training and went to bed early, but they couldn't sleep a wink because they heard the rumors that party went in the room and never came back out only made it out and that was it. Of course, when we got to the plaza everyone was there waiting for the sea creatures.

They finally arrived, luckily Heathcliff wasn't there yet or we would have left them. I immediately saw the problem Rin was carrying Haru. They did it last night. I sighed "What's wrong Ame you seem upset." Said, Black. "I am very upset, they did it last night so how is Haru going to fight. And if Haru slows us down then Rin will try to protect him then everyone would be in trouble. Of all the days why this one." By the time I was done speaking my mind everyone was staring at us, more like me, because of how much of a rant I went on.

"When they finally get up here, Black can you please tell Haru and maybe even Rin to stay behind?" I said straightly to Black while waking away. "Okay no problem, but do you mind telling us were you are going?" Black asked curiously. "You'll see." I smirked while I continued walking. I walked next to Heathcliff so we can get this presentation over with, all he has to do is say something encouraging and that will be it. When we got on the teleportation platform he stated his amazing speech that made everyone cheer in encouragement.

Now all I need to do is open the portal and that's it. Once everyone was through Heathcliff opened the boss rooms door. We all ran inside but when we got in the chamber, the Skull Reaper was nowhere to be seen. (P.S. Haru did not come along but everyone else in 'The Strays' did) We were all in utter shook but Black, Ikuya, Kirito, Heathcliff and I all remand calm. All of a sudden someone yelled, "Above us!!!" We all looked up in pure horror as we see the Skull Reaper above us. It came down at us fast so fast it ripped my right arm off and took some players next to me and 'ate' them.

It didn't hurt bad but it still hurt, but I immediately grabbed a healing potion. It healed my arm and my health bar. I also picked up my red and black sword I dropped and I started to attack the Skull Reaper. It took us a while to defeat it but we finally did. Even though we defeated the Skull Reaper it didn't feel like a win, we lost 14 players, not including the other 10 that went into scout the area and never returned. Luckily none of my members died although I was still sad that they had to die.

 Why were Akihito Heathcliff and Kirito were standing and it looked like Kirito had something on his mind. Before we knew it Kirito struck Heathcliff and the 'immortal object' sign appeared. We were all in utter shock. Kirito gave his big speech and with that, the battle started and we were all useless because of the poisoning affects Heathcliff put on us. Right before Heathcliff did the finishing blow Asuna jumped in the way. I stared in horror that my first friend in the world died right before me and I couldn't do a thing.

I started to move and before I knew it I was with Kirito trying to fight Heathcliff. But I sadly got struck and instantly died. When I opened my eyes I was in the sky looking down at the world I so admired, at least I will be able to stay in this world forever. When I was done thinking I looked around and saw Asuna standing there as well. I was about to walk over when Kirito came here as well, 'It seemed he did it but he died in the process.' I thought while watching my world crumble into pieces.

Back On Floor 75 (POV Every Single Member of The Strays P.S. If there is 'her' in here it is not a typo)

We all watched in horror as our Guild Master disintegrates into digital pieces. "Ame!!!" Every one of the guild members yelled even though some didn't seem to care about Ame, Sasuke, Smile, Black and Haru, they still were sad for there own reasons. 'I should have saved him, I am as useless when my clan was murdered.' Sasuke thought. 'I couldn't save Riku. If I couldn't save him how can I save my Master from danger.' Black thought while sulking. 'Even though Ame was an immature teenager she started to grow on me.' Smile thought.

'He was a nice person he understood me for who I am even though I look like a monster.' Snake thought. 'I'm never going to pay her back for my daggers.' Joker thought. 'I really wanted to swim with him and see how fast he was but now it's too late.' Haru thought. 'I really wanted to spend time with him and dress him up in dresses in girly stuff. But I'm also sad that I will never have a conversation with him.' Sakura thought. 'Man her food was really good I wanted her to make some ramen. But most of all I was too weak and if I was stronger then maybe I would have been able to save her.' Naruto thought.

'I feel bad for calling him a girl but most of all I wanted to get to know her.' Rin thought. 'I wish she would have been her and then maybe we would have met in the real world with everyone else.' Ikuya thought. 'I feel like I, no we let him down, we were supposed to have his back but we fluffed up.' Makoto thought. ' Ame I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I should have been the person to save you most because I was your boyfriend and I never will learn your name and what you look like.' By the time everyone thought about Ame everyone started to cry.


"Achoo!!!" I rubbed my nose and sniffled. " Some one's talking about me and they're calling me a girl. I can feel it" I say while putting my hand to my chest. "I'm sure gonna miss them." I mumble under my breath.

 Author-chan: I hope you enjoyed this chapter for this is the last day in SAO. It was a sad ending but we will see if Ame is going to be in the next chapter.

Guild Members: You better or we'll make you!!!

Ame: I don't really care I just want some sleep. Hey, Author-chan do you know where I can get some sleep.

Author-chan: Yes, I found a really good place, in the park close by your house, and the grass is amazing almost like the one in SAO when you slept with Kirito and Asuna under the tree.

Guild Members: What nerve you completely ignored us!!!

Ame: Okay I'll check it out later. Anyways...

Author-chan, Ame and Guild Members: We hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment, vote and/or follow. Again thanks for reading and have a great week.

-  >^.^<

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