Part 14

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I hope you enjoy this chapter

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I hope you enjoy this chapter. You are wearing your hero costume. Again I hope you enjoy.

I got on and it only took the ship a half an hour to get to a prison. It was one heck of a prison that's for sure. I got off the ship and to my surprise I saw, what seems to be 4 inmates, and a guard trying to prevent them from escaping. I assumed he needed help so I walked over and used my technique that made the inmates get tied up by my horse hair string, from my violins bow. After I was finished with them the guard turned around to face me. "Who are you and how did you get here? I know your probably an inmate that escaped?!" And with that he charged at me, so I tied him up as wells so he couldn't escape. That's when a guy with long blue hair ran up to us.

"Please stop Hajime, that's our new recruit that I was talking about before you left to stop the inmates from building 13, cell 13." Said the guy with blue hair. Hajime immediately stopped fusing so I released him from the string with a single tug on one of my fingers. The so-called Hajime introduced himself and the guy with blue hair happened to be Seitarou. With that, we went into the building with the inmates still stuck in the string. While we were walking the guy with red and black hair started to talk to me, "Hello my name is Jyugo, the guy with green hair is Nico, the one with red-purple hair is Rock and the guy that has purple, yellow and pink hair is Uno, what's your name, miss?" That made me even angrier then I was before, so I pulled Jyugo out of the string and started pummeling him into a bloody pulp.

When I was done I tied him up and said, "Call me a girl and you will regret ever living. And just call me Kitsune" They all shook their heads in agreement and kept quiet. After I put the inmates in their cell I followed Hajime and Seitarou as they showed me around building 13. After that was over they said they would like me to sleep where all the guards sleep but I simply said: "No, I would actually like to sleep in cell 13 for the first night to get to know them." They were hesitant but in the end, they agreed, so I went to cell 13 and set all my stuff down in the corner of the room and started to look for an outlet.

"Hello, what brings you to our humble cell?" Uno asked. "Nothing really. Oh, by the way, do you know where I can find an outlet?" I asked while looking around with a cord in my hand. "Yes we do but why do you ask?" Rock asked while pointing at it. I mumbled a thank you and plugged in the Nerve gear and gave everyone a pair. "What's this for?" Asked Nico. "Its Nerve Gear and I thought you guys get bored just sitting here so why don't we interact with the world? Oh on one condition you stay with me at all times." I said while putting on the helmet. "Okay, that's fine with us." Jyugo said. "Okay." I said laying down. "Put on the helmet and I want you to say 'Link Start!" They listened and did everything I told them to so I signed on as well.

I spawned in at the center of the world tree after I chose my avatar (Above in the picture) and waited for the rest to come. After they were here they joined the guild (It is still called the Strays) and for the first thing to do is to walk around the place and check it out. The first thing I figured out was I still had all my original things from SAO so I deleted everything besides my swords and the dragon egg. I also figured out, thanks to my inventory, that ALO had the same coding as SAO. Before I could do anything else I started to glitch out of the game. When I awoke I was in a very dark room. I tried to get up but it was no use since I was strapped down.

A man came out and said, "So you're awake now, good. Now, let's start this." I started to struggle in my bindings but he gave me a shot to put me to sleep. Before I blacked out I saw Yukimizu in a big water chamber and Hebi was in a cage. That was the last time I would see him.

A Few Hours Later

I awoke in the buildings hospital room. I tried to move but I couldn't because the minute my hand touched the bed it burst into water. I was horrified. I went to grab a mirror with my other hand but it turned into water as well. The doctor came in and held up the mirror to my face. My eyes were a different shape and color and my hair wasn't black anymore it was white. (Picture below you are not wearing the mask just yet.) I stared at myself for a while longer and asked, "Do you know where my cat is?" "Oh it's not really a cat but okay." The doctor said while bringing a limp Yukimizu that didn't look like she did before. (Also in the picture below.) As soon as I touched Yuki she jolted back to life.

I figured out that they put her soul inside me and I can put it in another body if I wanted to. "Do you know where my snake is since you had my cat...err fox?" I asked a bit in question of my own words. "Sorry, we didn't find any snake on you when you were found." He said. I started to think about his words. He said that they 'found me.' After that was over I finally was able to leave that place so I went to Cell 13 to see if Hebi was there. When I went in everyone stared at me for a moment. Nico, out of nowhere, jumped at me and said, "Where were you, you suddenly glitched out of the game then we had to figure out how to get out and then we had no idea where you, your cat and snake were." I stared at him for a moment and said, "So Hebi isn't here?" I asked. "If you're talking about your snake we don't know," Uno said while putting down a card.

"By the way your not asking about your cat. Where is he anyway?" Rock said while scratching his head because Uno was winning the game they were playing. "Yuki's right here." I said while a ball of fur came out of my shirt. Everyone stared at it before asking questions like 'Why does it look so much like a fox.' "Don't know." I stated calmly while packing my things. "Where are you going?" Jyugo asked. "Planning on leaving because my body somehow can turn into liquid." I stated while opening the cell door with my things. "DON'T LEAVE US!!" They shouted while grabbing my legs while trying to move. All of a sudden my legs burst into water and I hit the ground.

'Oh great how am I going to leave now' I thought to myself. "Since your disabled, we shall come with you." Nico said. I stared up at them before replying, "Sure why not. It must be boring to be in this cell for the rest of your life." They cheered as they picked me up. "Off we go." Uno said. Everyone ran off besides Jyugo and me since Jyugo was left with the job to carry me bridal style. "Why are you so light?" He asked, trying to keep up with the others. "I didn't really eat in a while." I stated. That wasn't really a lie just not the whole truth. A couple of minutes had past and a lot of traps have been set trying to stop us but we were finally at the last part, the door. Jyugo had to give me to Uno so he could open the door.

The door opened and we were finally free. We ran outside and saw the ocean. "How are we going to get across now?" Rock asked. "I'll try my best to control the water to make a bubble underneath the water so we can leave undetected." I said while I tried to make a bubble. I finally, after 20 minutes, made the bubble and we are now underwater watching all the fish go by. 'They were finally free, we were free.' I thought for a moment before realizing where am I going to put them, I mean they went to the top prison that you can't escape from and here we are now, in a bubble, escaping. Wait until I tell Asun-. I just remembered she still is in her coma, I should ask Kirito if he has any leads on Asuna. I thought as we continued until we saw land.

I know this chapter, maybe this whole book, is bad

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I know this chapter, maybe this whole book, is bad. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please comment, vote and/or follow.

-  >^.^<

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