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Ryan's POV.

"We can't do anything, and it's driving me mad," Riley complains. I fiddle with a pen. 

"Ryan? This man says he knows you." An officer says. I turn to see Brendon. 

"I- I-" I don't even answer the officer, I run to Brendon. He smiles and wraps his arms around me. We share a kiss and then I rest my head in the crook of his neck. 

"If you want to make out, just do it. Gee and Frank do that all the time, I'm used to it." A voice says. I look up. 

"Mikey? As in... Mikey Fucking Way?" I shriek. Still a My Chemical Romance fanboy for fuck's sake. 

Mikey smiles awkwardly. "Sure," He laughs. 

Gunshots suddenly make me jump. People start running out of the building. An officer explains, "The kidnappers are all dead." He says. 


"One of the kidnappers was my brother. He was killed during the gunfire. I'm safe." I tell Brendon, we get home and sit on the couch. 

"Thank god." He sighs. Playing with my hair. 

"I love you." I murmur, resting my head against his shoulder. 


Sorry for the wait. Coming to an end...


Back Again//// Ryden     **Completed**Where stories live. Discover now