Chapter 21: Alpha Centauri

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It remains a mystery: the bonds made with the people around you. It feels like one of those things where you just know it but words fall short when you try to describe it. They're emotions, yes, but you can say that they're so much more than that. They're a way of growing, of flourishing, of your upbringing. They play a very important role, those bonds. You can't escape from them, you can't create them. The only power you have over them is the way you decide to mold those emotions, because they provide you with the lesson you wouldn't otherwise learn about life: if you're alive then you'll suffer. And if you've suffered, it means you've lived.


It was weird. Noticing how Jack had such immense feelings towards Azura was weird. I knew she always had this kind of tendency to make people attached to her—I was proof and so was everyone right now present in this room—but the way Jack was reacting, was far deeper than the rest of us.

My jealousy was inevitable inside: to see someone care for her that exceeded my love for Azura. Yet knowing that someone adored a person who took me under her wing, and shared happiness all around, made my heart warm. However, I couldn't ignore noticing that there was more to the story than could be seen for Jack to be this way, more to their mutual attraction. It was clear by the way Jack always seemed closed off and private and despite that his emotions were all over the place for Azura.

Meanwhile, Charles and Gabriella were gone after staying here for so long; Gabriella's parents were worried. Mrs. Knight was forced to go home and surprisingly, it was Addison who talked her into it. All others that were left were present and right now, Ethan and I sat next to each other with our hands intertwined right outside Azura's room in the hospital as I stared daggers at Jack for what he had said to me.

"And for the record, if anything, I don't see a tear in your eyes."

He seemed to be holding it together a lot better than before but even when I was glad that he cared for Azura, I couldn't quite let go of what he had harshly sprouted at me outside. However, watching his shuddering figure against Azura's room doors, my anger converted into sympathy.

I knew he had no right to snap at me that way because I was only thinking of his well-being but at the end of the day, we were all hurt and even more so when looking at Mrs. Knight and Max. They had already lost Mr. Knight and it hurt really badly, God forbid, to see them on the brink of losing Azura too.

On top of it, the red flash in Jack's eyes couldn't seem to leave my mind. I would've waved it away as my imagination had I not known what happened in school when Azura saw something else in Jack's place. It rattled my brain, terrifying me, as I thought of how—if Azura saw something the same—I would undergo the same thing.

But in the corner of my mind clung an imbecile belief of seeing Azura again, and that belief made my fear of being alone subside; making me realize how, even in the state of unconsciousness, she was my rock to hold onto. It wasn't like I hadn't experienced this before. Of course, the past had taught me how to be strong for more than your own self but I never knew it would be put to test.

When Addison had come to the teacher of my class, silently asking to excuse me for the day, it was unexpected. She had gathered our whole group to tell us what had happened and it felt like I was living that dreadful past all over again. However, what I hadn't expected over this was my reaction to it all. Yes, I had my fair share of meltdowns but the most surprising part was my hope.

Even when it seemed like I wouldn't ever see her face again, I hoped. Despite every obstacle and heart dropping situations of Azura's body, I hoped. I believed with all my might that this hope would turn out to work as a miracle on her and she would sit up with a bright smile. And knowing her, she would crack a joke about how all of us were worried over nothing and this was a well-deserved break because she tolerated us all this time.

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