Chapter 16: The Abyss

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One should know the difference between a dream and reality. It's never good to mix them both. But at times, it's needed. It helps you see clearly about your perspectives, although, it might get deadly. However, it only takes a clear mind, strength and encouragement. And maybe a little bit of luck.


I wished I had been able to see. Not that I was blind, but the space I was roaming in was completely dark and flailing my hands to find some physical object except the ground, felt like a wish which would never come true. I was even doubtful about the floor, as if it would end and I'd fall in a never ending abyss. I didn't know where I was heading, but I knew I had to get out of there fast. Maybe it was my instinct or maybe my gut, but something told me that staying here any longer would have a very bad impact around me. As horrified as I was, the urge inside me felt like I was under the ocean struggling to break out on the surface but I could not swim. Yet, I didn't want to drown so I kept trying.

For a long while I was careful over where to take a step. Soon, however, I became more confident with where I was headed. Even when I couldn't see anything, I could feel it. My eyes were adjusted to the dark and I could make out where the pillars stood. They assured me that I wasn't just circling around even though there was nothing to differentiate between them.

I wondered why, if there was no ceiling in the place I was, there was no moon to be seen. There were no clouds. The sky was clear. I could see countless of stars but they provided me no help. How ironic was it that the idea of them always being there was a source of comfort but at the moment they gave me none. Although I didn't blame the stars, considering I was under the watchful eyes of the Shadow. He was hidden but I knew he was watching my every move and unlike me, he had the sight. It was the advantage that he was using to daunt me. Admittedly, it was working but he couldn't find that out. If he did, he would mock my weakness. He would find joy in my dismay. It was how I knew he was dangerous. Our last interactions concluded this. I needed to get out of here so I could find others and warn them about him. If he was a danger to all, that meant my family too. And not just those who were related to me by blood. The DNA didn't matter. The love did.

I had seen enough during the eruption of the fire on the pillar that would help me locate where I wanted to go. Straight. There was a lot of ground I had to cover but I knew not to give up. It felt similar to my dream. How I would keep walking until I reached the silvery curtain and with that thought I kept moving forward. With each step I prayed that I would reach the invisible wall; that through that wall I would just step back into my normal life. I knew it was superficial to think that way but I had no one to knock some sense back into my brain. However, after a while of marching straight, I felt my legs weaken. Even my daily routine of keeping myself fit faltered against this never ending path.

Not long after, I was wobbling but I willed myself to keep going because I knew once I got out of here, everyone would find me and take care of me. I trusted them with it. They had proven it time and time again. It was the main source of my drive. They had done so much for me, just to keep me up and breathing. The least I could do was to try my best to keep up to their hard work. I didn't want to disappoint them. I had taken so much from them already I didn't want to take any more. I wanted to do everything in my power to make them proud of me. To make them understand how much they meant—

"Azura?" I heard a distant voice that sounded very familiar. I turned in circles hoping I would locate the source but I couldn't see anything. The blue glow around me felt a bit brighter and I hoped it would extend towards whoever had called me. "Who is it?!" I yelled, knowing full well it could be the Shadow for all it mattered but the want to see a known face was too much at this point which was why I started to call out.

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