Chapter 28: Run

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Why is it that we cry when a person dies? If they are in heaven then why do we weep? What better place is there than heaven, right? Shouldn't we be happy to know that they went to a place which is a hundred times better than Earth in every way? So why is it that we sadden ourselves when a person goes to a better place? Is it the nature of human being left alone, or envy of not reaching heaven first? Or is it the grief of leaving the rest of us to deal with the world all by ourselves? Is it the thought of going on without them, being happy without them, experiencing life without them that makes us bawl our eyes out?
Maybe it is the fear of the unknown that makes us cry: what becomes after death, did we do enough to make a place for ourselves in heaven, or maybe that if souls have to wait till judgment day for a conclusion—and it does not end in our favor—we lost the chance to increase our percentages.


Walking out of the room after the blow up of Azura finding out the truth sort of assisted me from bursting out and punching one of these walls or any bothering being, however nasty that sounded. My head spun and I had no idea what to do from here. I was shunned out like I thought and in all those years where I felt like I was alone, it compared nothing to how lonely I felt right now.

I thought of going to my mom and Addison to pour out my sob story to them but then again, they would rather criticize me on being this way while I had a responsibility to uphold. Just because of my personal attachment to a person, I was blurring out the bigger picture.

So I went to the only place which hid me from the world and let me see it, the forest. I didn't know for how long I was there but I just stayed put. Not to get my mom worried, I sent her a quick text saying that I was in school for getting some work done due to joining in quite late. It seemed to have calmed her down and I was free to just wallow. After a good few hours a voice interrupted me.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in." It was Rigil. She was there in the forest in her usual hard demeanor but I didn't miss that something in her eyes was different. I couldn't pinpoint it and decided to blame the evening sky. I asked what she was doing here and how did she find me.

"I have eyes everywhere, Jack." She replied with a voice that wasn't of Rigil. I took a staggering step back recognizing with a jolt that the voice coming from Rigil was of the Shadow's. But I couldn't believe it.

"It can't be..." I breathed out but Rigil's body just vibrated with laughter.

"But it is." Her eyes went aflame as she sneered at me. "I'm everywhere Jack. And now I have come to get what is indebted to me." I was struck in terror. I knew exactly what she was talking about but I couldn't bring myself to accept it.

"That's right. You've got it. A life for a life. But don't worry your family is safe for now. I have another stock of lives to take from." She grinned at me like a maniac that possessed her and I couldn't do anything. I didn't know what to do. All I could think of was the ways she could hurt Azura now.

"Why?! Why are you so hell bound on hurting her? What did she ever do to you? She's innocent!"

"Oh it's nothing personal concerning the girl you're so infatuated with. It's all her ancestors' fault. Lee could've been mine had it not been for that stuck up. I did all the damned work while he just barked orders! I did everything and when I tried to ask for my rights, he shuns me out! And that is why, my friend, I am here now. Knowing you are in the same position as me, I ask you to join me. To make sure that the blood of the power-abusers is wiped from the universe so we could start a better world." She extended her hand to me hoping that I would join her. But even in my bad moment of judgment, I would never do that to Azura and myself. I had a lot of people to think of especially my lost sister and I started walking away, fully aware that I could die with a single snap of Rigil's fingers.

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