Debts to Pay

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I watch you from down below,
sitting on the throne you've built
with the sweat and lives of others.

The kingdom you so enjoy,
sleeping in the riches that you
don't deserve.

You're playing with fire,
livin' in sin.

Sooner or later,
you're gonna roll the dice,
and everything you see will
crumble and fall.

Nothing's ever free, no
Nothing's ever free,
now is it?

Look at the blood that you've spilled,
gallons splattered on the ground
at your feet.

Taking lives with no thought,
watching dreams fade
and feeling no remorse.

I'm watching you die with
every second that passes.
You're losing your grip on your so called reality.

Funny how it all works out
in the end.
You dance with the Devil
and you lose your

What you don't know,
is that I'm coming for you.
Best thing to do is to get outta town,
run on for now.

When the big bad wolf comes
running around,
you better get yourself right
out of town.

The ghosts of the lost are
calling for blood,
itching for the fall of the
newfound Jerchio.

But no matter where you run,
I will chase you tirelessly,
taking joy in your terror,
as you did with lost souls.

Royal hearts are meant to break,
cause everybody's got a
big debt to pay.

You aren't the first,
nor will you be the last.
I will come for everyone,
cause everyone's got a
Debt to Pay.

Hey everybody! I'm sorry for missing last weeks deadline. I'm losing interest in poetry, sadly, and it's becoming more, and more of a chore to write for this book.

I'm probably gonna write until this book has 30 poems in it, and then it's gonna be done.

I just want to thank everyone who read my poems, even if you didn't leave a comment or a vote. It just means so much to me that you read my crappy writings at all.

Thank you, thank you!!! 😊😍☺️❤️😄

Oh! And the song isn't called "Debts to Pay", if your wondering.

Roses & Revolutions - "Big Bad Wolf"

I hope you have a wonderful Morning/Afternoon/Evening!

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