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Stephanie kept a close look to the new guy. He looked so different from the other guys in here. She was looking at him from her side of the room while he was seated in the middle for a while. Just enough time for Stephanie to wonder what his name was, how old was he and if he was actually insane.

A lot of people here claimed they weren't but then again who knows for sure? The patients? The doctors? It's hard to tell. Stephanie thought that he looked sad and lost; he was staring at his fingers not giving a single glance at the surroundings around him. She thought that this boy seemed nice. If he wasn't crazy. 

Stephanie didn't like to hang out with crazy people. She thought that if she did the doctors would keep her in here longer. So she was spending her time reading books they had here or staring outside the window. Sometimes playing a bit piano as well. But she did all those things on her own.

To her, the boy seemed fine so she decided to go talk to him. But as she got up, a nurse approached him and told him that it was time to leave. Stephanie sat back down and pouted. She really wanted to meet the boy and maybe they could be friends. After all they might be the only two perfectly fine people in here.

Calum slightly lifted his head and saw the nurse approaching him. He didn't want to be here. This place was for crazy people, with mental illness. He didn't make fun of them but he didn't want to be here either.

The nurse smiled politely to Calum and  she showed him the way towards his room. The room was small and had only two beds and two nightstands. The other bed was empty; the roommate must be out, Calum thought.

"Lunch time is in an hour" the nurse said and Calum nodded as he sat down on his bed. He found it really comfortable and thought that this must be the only good thing about this place. Maybe the fact that he had some time away from Katie was good too. Calum laid on his bed and tried to think how he ended up in an asylum. His eyes closed and a long sigh escaped his lips.

He wasn't crazy. He knew that but everybody else thought differently. All he could remember was his best friend Michael dragging him to a party. Calum liked going to parties but this one...he didn't feel like going. Katie would be there - his girlfriend - and they had a fight and he just wished he could avoid her.

His plans failed when he saw her at the party. She was so drunk she had forgotten about their fight. They had spent all the night together; dancing, talking, drinking. The next thing Calum can remember is his parents driving him here; not talking to him and just telling him that they loved him. He sighed once more and opened his eyes only he found a girl sitting on the opposite bed.

Calum thought she was pretty. She was older than him; he could tell but not too much. A couple of years maybe. Her black hair fell on her tiny shoulders that were covered with a simple white t-shirt. She was staring at him intently and that made Calum feel weird. He sat up so he could face her better as he wanted to ask her who the hell she was.

"I'm sorry but who are you?" she spoke first and Calum thought that her voice sounded so weak and fragile. She looked weak and fragile. Stephanie brought her knees against her  chest and stared at the boy in front of her who she still didn't know his name.

She was right. He wasn't crazy. Any crazy person would have freaked out if they had seen a girl sitting in their room; she thought to herself. The boy ran a hand through his hair and looked back at her. His movements made Stephanie wonder what he was thinking. She had decided a few minutes back that she didn't want to wait to talk to him so she had followed him and the nurse here.

"My name is Calum" he said and smiled a bit. Stephanie couldn't help but smile as well.

"I'm Stephanie she mumbled and saw the boy nod.

"You've been here a long time?" Calum asked but immediately regretted it when he saw Stephanie abruptly get up. He looked at her surprised and a little guilty and when she saw his face, she decided to ignore this. She gave him a quick nod and sat back down.

"Are you my roommate?" Calum asked Stephanie again but she shook her head no. Boys and girls have separate rooms from each other.

"Ashton is your roommate. He's an okay guy. He's getting out next week so you'll probably have the room to yourself" Stephanie spoke. She saw Calum nod and afterwards staring at the floor.

"Do you like it here?" It was her turn to ask this time. She saw Calum furrow his eyebrows and shake his head no.

"Who would?" was all he said and Stephanie nodded in understatement.

"Can you show me the place?" he asked her politely. He didn't want to scare or make her mad again. She was the only person who had talked to him and who seemed okay. She thought about it for a while but she eventually agreed. Every newbie needs a tour, she thought.

"Hellhouse" was all she said and Calum didn't even need to ask what she meant.

"Can you show me the Hellhouse?" he asked again and Stephanie smiled in agreement.



update! Hope you like it!

Dedication goes to Malkakateri4ka for the beautiful cover of this book! Thank you!

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