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"Wake up"

"No let me sleep"

"Calum wake up already" at the sound of that voice both Calum and Stephanie were startled. Stephanie turned her head towards the door and Calum sat up abruptly. And sure enough the girl who Calum thought he heard was standing at his door.

Staring at them was none other than Kate who after three weeks decided she should pay a visit to her boyfriend. Her mentally unstable boyfriend as his parents said.

She didn't think he looked unstable laying on the same bed with that girl.

Calum stared at her with mouth agape but his hands still wrapped around Stephanie. Things were really awkward though and for the first time in her life Stephanie felt bad. So instead of waiting for Calum to recognize the girl or tell her to leave she just removed his hands away from her waist and got out of the small bed.

"Where are you going?" Calum asked her when he realized she was going to leave the room. And leave him alone with Kate something that he really wanted to avoid for as much as he could.

"Breakfast is served" was all Stephanie said before she went out of the room. She spend her morning away from Calum. Occupying herself with activities and extra visits to her doctor. Calum was hurt overall but for the most part of the morning he was arguing with Kate.

"Who was she?" Kate asked Calum when they were left alone.

"Does it matter?" he said back in a completely uninterested tone. Kate sighed and sat next to him on his bed. She placed her hand on his and expected something in return. A smile or him taking her hand in his but all she god back was a blank face. Nothing.

"I thought we loved each other" she mumbled and he let out a bitter laugh.

"Go home Kate. I will ruin your reputation." was all he said back at her and she was just shocked.

"I don't care about that! I care about you!" 

"Well I don't anymore" Calum said. He wanted to stay calm when he would say this to her but he just couldn't help but shout over her already shouting voice.


"I'm sorry" Calum mumbled. Kate used to be his everything but she was just something. He felt angry because she came to visit after such a long time. He knew his parents must have said so but he also knew that if things were reversed he would have ignored them and visit her.

Kate couldn't believe what she was hearing. Her and Calum weren't couple of the year. They fought and argued quite often but they always ended up fine. Now though...she knew it was final. She could see it in his eyes and she couldn't help but let some tears slip.

Feeling bad for this whole situation Calum took a step forward and brought Kate in a hug. Something like saying goodbye. She kept crying and he kept wishing this would be easier but other than that...they were completely over.


"Stephanie?" No response.

"How are you feeling?" Again nothing.

"Her eyes are responding and her heart beat is normal. Why isn't she responding?" to the sound of that voice Stephanie opened her mouth.

"Sweetie? Can you say something?" it was her mum. She mumbled something that seemed like her name. A weak and pathetic - someone could say - attempt to talk. Everybody smiled though. Stephanie tried to move her head but a huge wave of pain made her wince and forget any hopes of moving.

"What's going on?" she said silently and the doctors started talking. Her mum stood next to them; a nurse herself trying to explain things that seemed really weird. Like the fact she had a car accident. Or that she was in a coma for almost a month.

"When Thomas started reading and talking to you, you showed signs of life and we started hoping" they finished all smiling.

"Who's Thomas?"

"He is the boy who hit your car. He was hospitalized for a week also but because he felt bad about what he did, he started coming here every afternoon after school and he was leaving at night. He was reading your favourite books and talking to you mostly. But you seemed to respond." Her mum explained when the doctors left. She sat at the small chair next to her daughter and just looked at her for what seemed like forever. She had finally come back to her.

"Hey Mrs Miller. I brought a new book from the library that I think Stephanie will like. It's-" The voice suddenly stopped talking and Stephanie slowly moved her eyes towards the door.


"No. I'm Thomas. God I can't believe you woke up" he said and smiled. "I have so much to tell you"


one more chapter and it's done :'(

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