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That night was really bad. Mostly for Stephanie.

It was one of the bad nights. She had a nervous breakdown and she wouldn't let the nurse inject her with something to calm her.

It took 3 male nurses to keep Stephanie from kicking and biting. She kept screaming and telling them that they won't win. That she had figured their plan to kill her and she would beat them to it.

Dr Brown looked at the sight disappointed. He thought that she had made progress. But now this proved that Stephanie was only worse.

The screaming, kicking and biting died down when the drug started affecting her. All Stephanie could realise now was how calm she felt. How easy it was to float in dizziness that the drug provided.

She saw her doctor approaching; his hands crossed in front of him and his lips in a firm line.

"We're going to move you, okay?" he asked and Stephanie blinked. She didn't know what he meant by move. She realised she didn't care much either.

"I'm going to inform your parents too" he said and once again Stephanie blinked. She only cared about the beautiful bliss her mind was in right now.

Two of the male nurses lifted her up and helped her walk down the corridor. Lots of heads were popped out of their rooms to see who was making such a mess.

"Isolation?" The nurse Calum knew as Arthur asked a doctor. Arthur and another guy were holding Stephanie who seemed out of her head.

"Yes. Be extra careful" Calum looked at Ashton with a worried face. He wasn't sure what was happening but he didn't like it.


Stephanie woke up. She hadn't even realised when she fell asleep. She tried to move off of the bed but couldn't.

Her head was in pain and it felt numb. Also her hands and legs were bound on the bed; preventing her from moving.

"Hello? What is going on? Where am I?" she started yelling to the disturbing white walls. She knew someone was awake watching over her.

"Hello Stephanie. I hope you understand that we can't risk your life so we had to bound you to the bed" a young nurse said. She had a sweet smile even though they only thing she felt inside was pity. For the girl. Her first patient. Beyond treatment. That's what her file wrote.

"What is this?" Stephanie asked when the nurse came closer; pulling out a small needle.

"I have two needles. Your usual medication and some painkillers. To calm your pain at you head and I'm just going to inject them now" she informed Stephanie but she didn't trust her.

She started screaming and moving her arm as much as she could so the nurse wouldn't be able to find a vein.

But Stephanie lost that battle again as another nurse kept her still while the first one pushed the needle in her arm.

Stephanie was crying.

Now there was no chance they would let her out.

She kept crying until another needle was pushed in her arm and she was pulled into oblivion.


Poor Stephanie.

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