Neat Neat Neat

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My head hopped along to the music Joe was playing on the radio as we made our way to our hangout.

The small building with the words Le Showcase was illuminated in neon letters on front of it brought a churning feeling in my stomach. Their was line to get inside but we didn't need to go wait seeing as Joe always knew the bouncer.

"Be a doll like a baby doll
It can't be fun not anyway
It can't be found no way at all."

I smiled at Joe's singing. His eyes shut as he found a parking space behind the building. If we weren't hunters then it'd be safe for us to park at the front but sadly we were hunters. At least we think we are, unlike Pete who thinks we are not.

"Mon bébe?"

My face turned towards Joe. He stared at me attentively.

"I shouldn't be here," my voice came out as a quiver.

I was taken aback by the sound of my voice. It sounded so broken and not firm. Talking was never my strength but finding a voice was easy.

Joe"s eyes looked at the steering wheel. Only our soft breathing was heard and occasionally the booming music from inside the building.

"Patrick is wrong for not letting you pick who to sleep with. Because 1. You are 21 and 2. He blocks off all communication from outside the hideout. But he has a point about Pete and you having something even if it's nothing. You know how Pete is with you and you still put your self at risk."

I locked my lips, "so your on his side?"

He nodded and played with car keys. Tossing them from one hand to the other.

"I keep saying it was nothing. But I keep coming back to if it were nothing then he would have bite me. He didn't. And I just keep saying is nothing and saying horrible stuff to him about us. Saying it's nothing is hurting me more than him."

"The both of you ended badly. No of us know what caused you to turn out so vicious with each other. So solve it cause it hinders on our hunting."

He huffed out.

I laughed softly and we got out of the car.

Keeping up with Joe we made it to the front. We cut the line and went inside. The smell of alcohol suffocated my nose as we got closer to the bar. A slight smoke consumed the whole room as neon lights gleamed through it.

"Watch out for dandies!" He shouted in my ear and left me alone.

I say on the bar like usual and ordered a soda. I would get a drink but Joe is probably going to get shit faced.

"Is this seat taken?"

A honeyed voice spoke near my ear. It brought chills to my skin as the neared me. I only knew one person with this voice and it was the worst person I could encounter tonight.

"Don't be so cruel," he smirked.

"What do you want Beckett?"

His smile widened mischievously only to reveal his vangs.

"We both know what I want."

His hand founds it place on my thigh as he leaned in near my neck.


My cheeks flushed red as I felt his vangs nearly pricking my skin.

He doesn't have the guts to imprint with anyone

That was very true but somehow here we are.

"He's different."

That's all I could say about Pete now. There wasn't much to describe him now because he wouldn't let us in.

I felt an arm pull me to the side as Beckett continued to speak to me.

"Ah Joe," he smiled.

"Don't get near her." Joe clenched his fists.

"Or what? You going to call the team to kill me?"

I placed my hand on shoes chest so he can look at me. I only shook my head and pleaded we leave.

"It's not worth it right now," I said to him. Joe tried to throw himself at him but Beckett laughed as I held him back.

"I mean it Joe. Lets go!"

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