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Pete's POV

I watched as Juliet slept, her body cuddled close to mine, letting me know how heat felt once again.

I was thrilled to know her new obsession to become a vampire.

The tips of my fingers moved gracefully behind her back, dancing around aimlessly, stopping immediately when she jumped at the touch.

She itched closer to me, her chest rises up and then fell back down. The small movement made me paralyzed, I didn't want her to know I was still awake. 

"Oh Ju."

Her pale skin resembled my appearance yet she made it work since she didn't seem dead. If I didn't know any better, I'd think she was a vampire.

Her hair was sprawled out beneath me, occasionally making me uncomfortable. Whenever she felt disturbed by it she would  move it away and apologize in a soft tone.

I gently detached myself from her and made sure she was comfortable sleeping by herself. Soft snores escaped her mouth as she kept sleeping just as I got changed.

I slipped on my shoes quickly and put on a coat. Without much effort I left the hotel room with the key in hand to get back in without waking Juliet.

The walk to the car was tormenting, being able to hear each and every thought someone was thinking past midnight. Most were in-pure while others were painful. Except this time I couldn't stop myself from listening to their problems, I listened to each one with such caution, mumbling to myself whenever they asked a question or wondered anything interesting.

I turned the volume up on the radio to buzz myself into something else, retreating from people's thoughts.

A small smile made its way to my lips as the melancholy music played through the speakers. Juliet always had a strong passion for music and it made me view it in different ways I never thought I could. Since I was introduced to her- music turned into our haven.

Something to know about her is that she loves jazz more than any other genre.

She enjoyed the rich sound a sax carried, overall she was always one for instruments and well music, her whole family was.

Her being interested in music just made me feel connected to her even more, I had the adoration to play bass and create music. As for the notes, it brought desire to explore and create.

I rounded the corner slowly and speed up as soon as I hit a clear street. I searched around for a small shop that indicated life, anything with a 24/7 sign.

Any store with that sign surely has coffee. As usual my hand found it's way onto my face to rub my eyes, to get rid of the tiredness.

"Run away fast as you can
Runaway from me baby
Runaway from me baby."

The radio waves buzzed out and caused static to overpower the songs I turned the corner. I switched the station in hops of finding something more upbeat. Don't get me wrong, Runaway by Kanye is totally sick just not a mood for late at night.

I scuffed in amusement, "late at night."

Sometimes I forget late at night is the start of my day.

Undoubtedly, round the corner from where I was heading, there was a liquor store still open. I neared the premises and made sure the way I parked the car made it easy for a getaway. As I entered the store, a small bing made my presence known to the worker currently on their shift.

Following the foul smell of chlorine, I found myself preparing two medium size coffees like usual. One decaf and one regular coffee, five cream and five sugar. Before I went back to the front, I grabbed banana bread for Juliet.

"That'll be five," the worker ringed up the food.

I nodded and proceeded to take out my wallet to pay. Graciously walking out the shop with the coffee, I got into the car to drive back to the hotel. Hopefully Juliet kept on sleeping instead of wake up at this sickly hour.


It took about twenty minutes to return back to the hotel and get right into bed again.

Luckily Juliet didn't even bat an eye at any of the ruckus. As for me, I sat in bed with my back on the headboard. Sipping the coffee I had made for myself as I watched tv. By the time I finished the cup, the sun was slowly starting to rise. At the sight of it, I was compelled to watch it, not caring of it'd burn, I missed being able to be in the sun.

Sadly I didn't give it anymore thought and got comfortable under the covers to fall asleep. Placing an arm on top of Ju to pull her close to me, embracing the heat that radiated off of her.

"Pete," she whined sleepily. I gave her a weak smile as she peered her eyes open. All she did was let out a small exhale as she closed her eyes again.

I love her.

"I left coffee and bread on the table for you."

"Thank you," she let out.

It didn't take long for her to untangle herself from me and get up from bed. I heard her walk into the bathroom and back out after a while. Knowing she wasn't going back to bed, I decided to catch up on sleep. Giving her the peace to think without me hearing in on it.

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