17: Sister Mary Gets Free Ice Cream

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We left through the front door. Pearl attempted to lock up behind me, but she couldn't figure out how. We decided it best to leave it be. Who would want to break into a library anyway?

"I have to admit," said Pearl as we climbed into the car, "that was kinda fun. I never thought I would get the chance to break into a library or anything for that matter."

"We did it for the greater good." I raised a stiff finger at Pearl "Now, don't off telling anyone, unless that person is a priest. Just another thing I need to add to the confessional. Oh lord." Pearl laughed.

I started the car and we drove a ways passed the historic homes and antique shops. A sexy jogger trotted on the sidewalk ahead of us. I gave the man a loud whistle. He turned around an tripped when he saw his admirer.

We turned down a few streets deeper into the town. A small ice cream parlor came into view. On the large glass windows were the words, JJ's Ice Cream. I parked in the back almost hitting the brick wall. I had no idea how to lock a convertible. So I shrugged and moved on.

As I expected the parlor was chilly. My legs shook in the cold underneath my gown. A nun with goosebumps, imagine the small raised bumps poking out of my pantyhose. One day it was cold and I was bored in church so I took a pen and connected the dots. I made a sailboat, a star, oh and my crowning achievement, the Mona Lisa herself. Seriously, the nun beside me was appalled with my actions, so when she fell asleep during the sermon, I drew a little mustache on her upper lip.

"Hello, welcome," said the young boy sweeping the floor by the counter. He smiled at Pearl immediately. "Pearl, hey!"

"Oh god," said Pearl darting behind me, her face flushed with embarrassment. "It's Jim."

"Jim who?"

"We went on an awkward date last year after the winter formal dance. He tried to take my clothes off and do stuff in front of his friends. He's been trying to get back with me since and won't leave me alone. He's gross." Pearl turned to the door. "We should go. I didn't know he worked here."

"Let me handle this." I puffed up my chest and approached the counter. "Good evening, uh." I pretended to look at his name badge. "Good evening, Mr. Jim. How are you today?"

"I'm well." Jim looked over my shoulder at Pearl. "Hey, beautiful. Been wondering when you'd come back to me." Jim puckered his lips and made kissing sounds.

"Shut it, creep."

"You heard the lady," I said sternly. "Shut it."

"Ha, sure whatever," said Jim grabbing a scoop. "Um. What can I get you?"

"Two chocolate cones."

"Alright." Jim grabbed two cones from behind the counter. "So, uh, Pearl, why not we go on another out again, you, me, my friends. We can get dinner and then go skinny dipping in creek. It'll be fun. You do know what skinny dipping is?"

"The lady would rather not hang out with you," I said.

"Hey, nun lady, this is between me and Pearl."

"Pearl and I, you grammarless twit." Jim stopped scooping the ice cream and placed his hands on the counter.

"What did you call me?" Jim looked at Pearl. "Is this nun with you?"

"Yes, I am her new mentor," I said. My eyes darted to the ice cream. "Why have you stopped scooping?"

"Cause perhaps I don't want to serve you." Jim grinned. "How about this, I get you free ice cream if Pearl goes on a date with me. Sounds good, beautiful."

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