Campus Crush

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Mia (POV)

"Good morning Mia, sit down and eat your breakfast". Helen insisted and I sit beside Claire.

"Good morning Mia". Claire cheerfully greeted me which is excited to go to school and I know why.

"Can you imagine, he is very popular for just two weeks" Claire said while her mouth is full.

Bacon and egg for breakfast, perfect combination...just like Liam's eyes and smile, perfect combination. Oh! my...he keeps haunting me.

"Mia what do you think of him?...Mia?!" Ooops! Claire.

"Mia, you are not listening to me." Claire frowned.

"Sorry, hhmmm...I just thinking about my parents" I lied.

Liam (POV)

I really hate Monday, the busiest and boring day of the week.

People still keeps staring at me as I walk towards my chemistry class.

"Hi Liam!" Melanie flirting as usual.

"Hhmm...hi Melanie" I walk towards my table and towards my partner in experiment activity...Mia.

Mia is a very quite and so much mystery, I wonder if she has another friend except Claire.

"Good morning Mia" She look and stare at me. I wonder what she is thinking.

"Let's get started". Mia grab the microscope and record every details on the logbook.

Mia (POV)

I need to hurry, I can't stand any longer in front of this man.

He is smiling and talking even I dont respond...please Liam, stay focus dont look at me.

The bell rings!...Oh think God!

" Bye, Mia" Liam keeps smiling.

"Bye Liam". I stand and walk towards Claire.

"Let's go Claire". I grab Claire and walk outside the laboratory.

Claire and I walk towards the canteen, crowded as ever. We sitted on the corner and Claire looking at me...I wonder why.

"'re flushing! what is wrong?" Claire is smiling at me which obviously know the answer to her question.

I keep silent and eat. "Well...I can't blame you, he is hot and he is a prince which impossible to be reach by someone like me, unlike you..."

"Claire!" I stop her before someone can hear. She look sorry for what she said and she's focus on her food.

"Ehem!" I turn my head and Liam is standing in front of me. My heartbeat stop.

" Hi! Can I join you guys?"

"Sure!" Claire offer him a seat and smile towards me.

" Hi Mia, are you mad at me?" I keep silence. "Mia is not my fault if I am your partner in Chemistry, it is the choice of our teacher. I can talk to Ms. Davish if you dont like me to be your partner."

Im shocked, what is he talking about? "No! hhmmm...I mean I'm not mad at you. Sorry for my behavior".

Liam smiles...pretty smile "Okay, apology accepted". He stand and walk.

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