King and Queen of Scotland

870 38 4

Mia (POV)

Saturday,my favorite day. This is the day Claire and I will go strolling at the mall who Margaret will never ever experience. 

Sometimes I missed being Margaret because she has the power to do everything easily but ofcourse with a lot of publicity.

I love this mall, people are happy chatting and buying.  Claire is busy choosing a dress to wear in the ball for Founding Anniversary.

I wonder what to wear...I began choosing the dress for me when Claire hold me.

"No need for you to choose Mia" Claire stare at me.

But why? "Claire, what do you mean?"

"Mia, you already have a dress". I'm thinking and I dont understand.

"I dont have a dress" I insisted and keep looking to the dresses in the corner.

"Miss Mia" Carlos approach me with a box in his hands.

"Where have you been Carlos? You are gone for an almost and hours?"

"I went to the airport to get this for you." He handed a box to me with my name on it.

I open the box and... oh! a dress, two?.

"From your parents Miss Mia" Carlos smile. "They are expecting you for a sumptous dinner tonight".

I see...they are here, my parents is in London. I am excited.

Liam (POV)

"Master, your father is on the line". Ben handed me the phone while I am reading newspaper, King and Queen of Scotland is on the cover.

"Hello dad...what? Are you serious?! But dad..." King Rafael hang up the phone.

I love my grandfather as I love my country, he is long buried 20 feet under but his order is still my command.

I called Ben and handed the phone back " Prepare something that I can wear tonight, I have a dinner appointment."

"Yes Master". I walk and go to the pool, God! I need to think and focus.

Ben knock on my door as I check my suit for last retouch. "Master, the driver is here".

"Thank you Ben". I walk towards the garage and a tall, sophisticated man greeted me.

"Have a good evening Master, my name is Marcus". Marcus handed me his hand to shake.

"Nice meeting you Marcus, I supposed Ben already told you what to do."

"Ofcourse Master". He open the backseat and I directly sit and prepare myself for the longest evening of my life.

I can hear my heartbeat, I am very nervous as hell. Their is no turning back, tonight I will finally meet my future wife.

" We are here master" Marcus look at me and I am infront of this very prestigious hotel.

A waiter approach me and guided me towards the table in the corner. As I expected someone is already sitted and waited for me.

"Your is my pleasure to finally meet both of you." I smile and hide the worry in my face. I shake their hands... Master Charles del Prado and Madamme Alicia del Prado, The King and Queen of Scotland. My future in laws.

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