Chapter Five- Can You Help Me Unravel My Latest Mistake?

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The Reid Method: The Beginning

Chapter Five- Can You Help Me Unravel My Latest Mistake?

It was July 14, 1998, Jennifer's eighteenth birthday.

She couldn't think about that. All she could think about was the blood test results she had gotten back from the hospital on Friday.

A positive pregnancy test.

She hadn't told Spencer yet. She hadn't told anyone. The one person she wanted to tell was no longer with them.

J.J.'s parents were making her dinner for her birthday. They were having a quiet dinner just the three of them.

She was living in an apartment in D.C. and wanted to spend a few weeks with her parents before she settled down in Washington.

Tomorrow she was flying back to tell Spencer the news. She wondered how he would react. Of course he would be freaked out. He was only sixteen. Not even close to being an adult. Having to grow up fast for the sake of his mother and his intelligence and now for his child.

He had no idea what was in store for him in the future. All he knew was that he wanted to help people and being a part of the FBI was the way he wanted to do that.

J.J. had thought about having children but that was a distant future. Five or ten years down the road, not now. It wasn't the right time. She wanted to be married to the love of her life, have a steady career and then have children.

"Oh Ros, what am I going to do?" J.J. whispered. She was sitting on the edge of her bed in her room at her parent's house.

She had a quiet night with her parents as they ate dinner and chatted quietly.

She imagined how her parents would react. Her father, Michael, was very strict and believed that rules should never be broken. He had become much more protective since Roslyn died. Her mother, Sandy, was soft and gentle. She had a hard time letting J.J. go out into the world without her.

In the morning, J.J.'s parents drove her to the airport chatting about plans for Thanksgiving. J.J. hugged her parents goodbye and told them she would call them when she landed in D.C.

"You'll call as soon as you get there, right?" her father asked as pulled out of the embrace.

"I promise, Dad" J.J. promised.

"We love you" Sandy said embracing her daughter one last time.

"Love you too" J.J. replied.

She checked her bags in at security and went through the gate.

On the plane she dreamed of Spencer and what his reaction would be.

She was standing in the living room of his Uncle Gordon's house. Gordon went to the kitchen to prepare lunch for the three of them.

J.J. and Spencer sat down on the couch.

"You didn't tell me that you were coming" Spencer said. "Not that you ever have to."

He looked at J.J. carefully. He could tell something wasn't right.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, his voice soft and gentle.

She couldn't speak. She didn't know how to say the words. Instead she reached into her purse and pulled out the results and silently handed them to him.

He unfolded the papers and read them quickly. J.J. watched his face as he read it.

He lifted his head slowly, looking at J.J. "You're pregnant?"

The Reid Method: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now