Chapter Seven- I Hope You Know Somebody Loves You

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The Reid Method: The Beginning

Chapter Seven- I Hope You Know Somebody Loves You

As she got closer and closer to her due date J.J. started to wonder if giving their son up for adoption was the best thing for him. She knew that they were both young and inexperienced, neither one of them had jobs, or a lot of money, but despite all of this, J.J. couldn't help but picture a life with Spencer and their son.

The thought that her dream could become reality was shattered last night by Michael, her father. She vowed that she wouldn't tell anyone how she felt about keeping the baby but last night she let her guard down and told her father.

They were in the kitchen just after they finished dinner. Spencer went outside to call his mother and Courtney while her mother got started on the laundry downstairs.

Michael was washing the dishes while J.J. dried them. She kept glancing over at her father wondering if telling him was the right thing to do.

"What is it, Jennifer?" Her father asked setting the plate he was washing back down in the sink.

"I've been thinking, Dad" J.J. said drying the plate in her hands with the dish towel.

"About what?" her father prompted her to go on.

"I want to keep him" she said placing a hand on her belly. "I want to keep the baby."

Her father gave her stern look. "No, you don't. You're too young and keeping him is not the right decision."

"What if I think it is?" J.J. snapped back. "What if I can give him a better life than they can?"

Her father put down the dish cloth and turned to face Jennifer. "No Jennifer, you can't. Both of you are too young, you don't have jobs, and you're children yourselves. You're 18, for God's sake. Spencer's only 16. You honestly believe that the two of you can be responsible enough to take care of a baby?"

"Michael" Sandy said from the doorway of the kitchen.

Jennifer was hurt and angry at her father's words. Outside the house, Spencer heard the whole thing.

"It doesn't matter" J.J. retorted. "It isn't your decision."

J.J. walked past her mother in the doorway and went to her room, shutting the door behind her.

Spencer came back inside the house and joined Jennifer in her bedroom. He shut the door behind him.

"You told him?" He asked as he sat down on the bed across from J.J.

J.J. nodded. She told Spencer how she felt a few days ago. He wasn't sure how to feel or what to think.

"He reacted just the way I expected him to" J.J. said. "I thought he might have a change of heart, if I told him how I really felt."

"I'm sorry" Spencer said quietly.

J.J. shook it off. "I'm just going to go to go to bed." She gave Spencer a quick kiss on the lips.

"I'll head home" Spencer said, standing up from the bed. "Call me tomorrow?"

J.J. nodded. "Goodnight Spence."

"Goodnight J.J." Spencer replied, he closed the door behind him as he left.

Sandy was waiting for him at the front door. He slipped on his jacket and his boots, Sandy opened the door for him.

"Thank you Spencer" Sandy whispered.

"For what?" he asked, confused.

"Being there for J.J." She put her hand on his shoulder. "I'm glad you're supporting her through this."

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