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|Kalila’s POV|

“I’m glad we are friends again.” Michael said as we watched the stars. There weren’t any clouds tonight and there wasn’t any light pollution, it was so pretty. Luckily Michael bought a blanket. It was freezing cold but the blanket it help.

“It was only 3 days.” I laughed.

“Worst 3 days of my life.” Michael smiled.

“Well, I’m glad it was only 3 days.” I turned and faced him.

“I was scared it was permanent.” Michael laughed and faced me too.

“I could never be mad at you permanently.” I whispered. I didn’t mean to whisper it just came out like that.

Michael’s head moved forward, only slightly but I could see it. Was he leaning in for a kiss? I stopped breathing.

“I miss the letters.” I started, hoping it would distract him.

“What do you mean?” He was confused now.

“I miss being excited about receiving one. I miss writing them. I miss getting to know you without all the ‘Luke Distractions.’” I huffed.

“So do I. I miss the feeling in my stomach when I opened the mail box. I also miss how you did that thing when you signed off you’re letters.” Michael was smiling at the memories.

“What thing?” I laughed.

“You drew a lopsided smiley face at the bottom of the page.” Michael laughed and I couldn’t help but laugh too.

“Shut up. My smiley faces were better then yours.” I hit Michael on the arm playfully.

“Probably. But it’s easy to have better smiley faces then me.”

“Why didn’t we text or exchange phone numbers?” I asked.

Michael shrugged. “I guess letters were better. They were more formal and it was more exciting that way. You know, waiting for a letter to arrive. And writing them was fun. I don’t know, I loved the idea of writing letters instead of texting.”

“Yeah. I liked how it was back in the Day.” I smiled.

*    *   *   *

|Kalila’s POV|

“Mum, this is Michael.” I introduced.

“Nice to meet you.” Mum said kindly.

“Pleasure.” Michael smiled. We stood there in the living room. Awkward tension hung in the air for some reason. It was the morning and Mum was about to leave for the office. Michael and I were going out.

“You seem like a nice boy. But you aren’t Luke.” Mum said.

“Thanks?” Michael scrunched his eyebrows together, clearly confused.

“I’ve gotta go to work, I’ll see you at 6.” Mum planted a kiss on my check as she hurried to the front day.

“Bye!” I called out.

“Bye!” Mum hollered back. Then, there was silence.

“You’re mum doesn’t like me very much.” Michael observed.

“It’s not that she doesn’t like you. She doesn’t like the idea of you.” I smiled.

“That’s still me. But, what is the idea of me?” Michael scrunched his eyebrows together again.

“I don’t know. I guess that she doesn’t like me without Luke. She doesn’t like the idea of someone coming into my life and stealing Luke from me.”  That came out harsher than I thought it would be. I could she Michael’s shoulder’s slump and his smile waver.

“I’m sorry I-I didn’t mean it like that.” I started.

“No, it’s fine I understand.” Michael smiled and pulled me in for a bear hug, “I’ve gotta go to band practice now, you coming?”
I didn’t want to see Luke. Not when he was angry and upset. But I knew I had to. I had to make things right. I had to apologize.

“I guess.” I huffed.

“Don’t worry. We’ll go shopping afterwards.” Michael smiled reassuringly.

“Good.” I laughed.

*   *   *   *

I sat on the old couch in Ashton’s garage. Holly sat beside me, scrolling through her Tumblr feed. I just sat there, thinking of sentences. I was trying to thread together an apology. I wanted to apologize to Luke. I wanted to be friends with him again.

“Just a sec.” I mumbled to Holly when the boys finished their song. I walked up to Luke. “May I speak to you? In private?” I asked rather quietly. Luke considered it for a second before nodding. I could see that he was still pissed at me. I could see how angry he was a Michael. I couldn’t blame him.

I lead him outside of the garage, taking the side door.

“You have 2 minutes.” Luke said flatly. He was playing with his lip ring. He does that when he’s nervous.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to kiss him, it happened. We were broken up and I was confused. I-I don’t want to loose everything we have, everything we’ve earned. I’m not asking you to go back out with me… I’m just asking you to forgive me and see if we could be friends again.” I was talking so fast I didn’t even understand myself. But Luke seemed to catch on and he nodded in understanding.

“I know, you didn’t mean it. It was in the moment. Just like me at that party. We both did things we didn’t mean to do, so I guess we are even. Plus, I’m angrier at Michael then you. He is the one that kissed you after all.” Luke was talking softly and smoothly.

“Thank you.” I let out a breath that I didn’t even know I was holding.

“Welcome back, Lil.” Luke stretched out his arms for a hug. I didn’t know we would be getting on this smoothly so fast. I guess we were meant to be friends after all.

“It’s good to be back.” I said before accepting his hug.


Ewww school! Anyway, I’m sooo very sorry that this is late and that the update is small. My brain hasn’t been co-operating. ANOTHER UPDATE SOON THIS WEEK J

Demons will be updated tomorrow… I hope J



Letters ➸ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now