It was a peck

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“Bye!” I gave Luke a hug goodbye as the car came to a stop in front of my house.

“Bye, Lil! I’ll be over tomorrow to say hi to your mum.” Luke called as I stepped out of the car. Once I was out I didn’t bother to wave him off, instead I made my way inside. Michael had some explaining to do… yet, so did I.

I walked inside the house to see Michael sitting on the couch watching Cartoon Network. “Hey, Kali.” Michael smiled. He had the cutest, goofiest smile you’ll ever see.

“What’s this about a tour?” I tried so hard to be angry to him. I couldn’t cave into his smile, or his eyes, or his giggle.

“I-I…” His smile fell.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I sat down next to him.

“I-I didn’t want to ruin how much fun we were having together. We just became friends again and I didn’t want to introduce a new obstacle.” Michael pouted.

“Mikey, its only 2 weeks.” I smiled, “you’ll be back and I’ll still be here.”

“I know. I just don’t want to go 2 weeks without you.” Michael slung his arm around me and pulled me close to him.

“While we are giving explanations… what was that all about before you left?” Michael’s lips formed a cheeky grin.

I didn’t mean to. I just forgot.” I laughed.

“How can you accidently kiss someone?” Michael giggled.

“It wasn’t a kiss. It was a peck!” I clarified.

“Your lips still touched mine.” Michael teased.

“Well you kissed me the other week. It’s only fair.” I poked my tongue at him. Michael shoved me playfully.

“Ok, well I’m going to check on Mum.” I said.

I stood up and made my way to the study. Mum basically lives there now that she can’t do her work in her room anymore now that Nan was living in there. Even though Nan is usually at Aunty Louise’s house she should be back soon.

“Hi, mum.” I smiled as I made my way inside. I plunked myself down on the spare office chair.

“Hey, Lil.” Mum looked away from her work, “how’s Luke?”

“He’s… Luke-ish. He’s the same, which is good. In fact he is coming over tomorrow to say Hi to you.”

“That’s good. I was hoping you guys would forgive each other. I’d hate to see him leave your life after being apart of it for so long.” Mum gave me a warm smile.

“Luke is more of a brother to me then Hudson. Even though we will fight, he will never leave.” I clarified.

“What about you and Michael?” Mum asked. Mum and I were so close, she was my best friend and I had to tell her all the drama and gossip in my life. No matter how embarrassing.

“Michael? Mum, you know he is just a friend.” I informed.

“Not from what I heard.” Mum said teasingly.

I perked up. “What did you hear?”

“Well, when you left I heard Michael yell ‘YES’ from downstairs. I knew Michael wouldn’t say that if you left. What happened?” I could basically see the excitement radiating off her.
“I-uh… I accidently kissed him.” I started to fiddle with the braclet on my wrist.

“How can you accidently kiss someone?” Mum laughed.

“Shut up. I said goodbye to him and pecked him on the lips… I didn’t realize what I did until Luke said.” I couldn’t control the smile that was forming on my lips.

“That’s so cute.” Mum said in awe.

“How?” I laughed.

“It was like it was an automatic thing. To kiss him, I mean.” Mum was bursting with excitement now.

“No. It’s not. I was so caught up and nervous about hanging out with Luke that I-“

“When are you going to ask him out?” Mum cut me off.

“Mum! I’m not going to ask him out. I can’t just dump Luke and move on with his friend!” I threw my hands in my lap.

“It’s been 2 weeks, hun. And you like this boy.” Mum smiled.

“I don’t.” I whined.

“Your minds telling you no!” Mum started singing.

“Mum- NO!” I yelled over her singing.

“But your body. Your body is telling you yeah!” Mum continued singing.

I stood up and walked to the door while mum continued.

“Bye Mum.” I hollered.

Even though the door was closed I could hear mum yelling “Ain’t nothing wrong with a little bump and grind.”

I shivered inwards and made my way to my room so I could get changed into something more comfortable.

Letters ➸ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now