Burger Barn

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|Kalila’s POV|

After Luke forgave Michael we left to go to the shopping centre. The boys could have kept practicing but Ashton thought it’d be better to end the practice on a good note. He didn’t need any more fights.

“Where are we going?” I whined. Michael was dragging my by the wrists to the food court, “Don’t tell me you’re hungry. We had food at Ashton’s.”

No no. This isn’t for food.” Michael’s voice coated in excitement.

“If not food, what else is there in a food court?” I pouted.

Michael stopped walking as we stopped in front of an unused restaurant. It was tucked away near the end of the food court. “What is it?” I asked.

“My new job.” Michael said confidently.

“New job?” I asked.

“Yeah! My old friend Liam is loaded with money and his parents are buying little food court restaurants for lease and turning them into the franchise that they own. I asked Liam for a favour and he said yes! He even said I could be the manager of this restaurant. I have experience.” Michael was obviously very proud of himself.

“When does all this start?” I tried to hide the excitement edging in my voice. I couldn’t help but get excited; Michael’s feelings were contagious.

“Next month!” Michael was practically bouncing up and down.

“Oh my, God!” I smiled, “What’s the restaurant going to be called?”

“Burger Barn.” Michael giggled.

“That’s… a cool name.” I shrugged; a smile was still plastered on my face.

“Shh, it’s an awesome name,” Michael giggled, “and to celebrate the awesomely named restaurant, I am going to take you shopping.”

“You don’t have to…” I trailed off. I didn’t like it when people bought me stuff. I didn’t want to be the cause of them being. I mean if someone bought me something I’d say: ‘you didn’t have to.’ We all know that we secretly like it.

“No, I want to.” Michael smiled before grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the nearest clothing shop.

*   *    *   *

“Where’d you get all this money from?!” I asked Michael as we walked out of the shopping centre. Bags from clothing stored lined my arms. I have never gotten this many clothes at one time before.

“Liam gave me a few thousand dollars in advanced.” He shrugged. Man, this was coming together so smoothly.

“Why didn’t you get anything for yourself?” I asked.

“I bought a new shirt.” Michael replied.

“And you bought me, like, 50 shirts.” I retorted.

“Do you want me to return them?” Michael raised his eyebrows as a sly smile formed on his lips.

“No.” I said quickly.

“Good.” He smiled.

“Where are we going now?” I questioned as we got in the car.

“Home.” Michael said simply, “why? Did you want to go somewhere?”

“No. No. I want to go home.” I smiled.

Letters ➸ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now