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|Michael’s POV|

A smile was still plastered on my face as we got to the hotel in Melbourne. She didn’t push away. That’s a good sign, right?

The boys apparently didn’t see what I did before we left, they were still fighting over what music they should listen to. I’m not sure if I should bring it up. I don’t think Luke would appreciate it very much. Plus, what if she didn’t want to go out with me? And I was the idiot who kissed her in front of her ex for no reason?

I just hoped she would have her answer by next week. That’s all I ask. I don’t care if she says no, as long as it’s not a ‘maybe’. God, I hate that word. Maybe. It’s an unsure word. There’s no point in saying it. Most the time it means no and the person doesn’t want to hurt the others feelings by saying ‘no’.

I always did that. I had little rants in my head about everything. Though I never actually spoke them, I felt like I’d be annoying people by ranting all the time. Plus, sometimes I just didn’t have time for people’s arguments.

Luke and I were sharing a room and Calum and Ashton were across the hall. Ash gave me a ‘good luck’ before he entered his room. Apparently Luke makes a mess when he showers.

“I saw what you did.” Luke said as we entered our room, “before we left.”

“Oh, that was.. uh, I’m sorry.” I stuttered.

“It’s fine,” Luke chuckled, “Lil and I aren’t a thing anymore. Plus, you look pretty happy.”

“I am. I just hope she makes up her mind by next week.” I dropped my bag by my bed.

“Next week? What’s happening then?” Luke looked confused.

“Uh, nothing, just a, uh, surprise.” I stuttered.

*     *     *    *

|Kalila’s POV|

After Holly left I went to my room. I wanted to get my phone so I could text Luke or Michael. Maybe even Calum or Ash. When I got to my room I saw a stuffed toy on my bed. Daniel. What was Daniel doing here? I thought Michael left to get him.

After inspecting Daniel for a little longer I saw something attached to his neck. It was a note.

I smiled like an idiot. A letter? Man, could this boy get anymore cliché? I took the letter from the stuffed lion and stared at it. I was too scared to open it. What if it were a break-up letter? Wait, we weren’t even going out. I shrugged before hesitantly opening the letter.

Dear Kali,

I’m going to miss you so much. Too much. I’ll probably spontaneously combust from missing you so much. Did I spell that right? Anyway, I cannot last 2 weeks without my sunshine so, to prevent the rain that will be my tears, I present you a gift! I also expect an ‘answer’ too. :P

Love, your Michael-Angelo

I laughed at the letter and then a sad tear fell down my cheek. Michael can give me so many feelings at once. Wait what gift?

I looked inside the envelope that I threw onto the bed. I tried to hold back a scream as I tipped the contents on my bed. Tickets to see them. Tickets to see Michael.

*     *    *     *

|Calum’s POV|

“So she still doesn’t know?” I giggled into my cell phone.

“No. She doesn’t, well not yet anyway. She didn’t get the chance to go to her room before she called me. You know, about what happened.” Holly laughed.

“No, what happened?” I rest my head against the headboard of the bed. We’d only been at the hotel for an hour. We were meant to be leaving for a sound check in 30 minutes.

“Oh, you didn’t know… I’m not sure if it’s my place to tell you, but oh well. Well, when Michael said ‘he forgot something’ before he got in the car, he really meant: ‘I forgot to kiss Lil!’” Holly basically squealed with joy. My jaw dropped.

Michael kissed Lil? So soon? In front of all of us? Even though we weren’t watching, we could have been.

I’ve always liked how Michael was about Lil. He was always so happy around her and he was always so protective. But did he really want to jump for her now? When Luke was just beginning to forgive him?

“I know. I was shocked too!” Holly laughed at my silence.

“So, I guess the tickets were a good idea.” I chuckled.

“He must have planned it all along!” Holly let out more laughter. I loved how she got about this stuff. She got so excited over everything.

“As long as you’re coming to the show as well. I missed you so much already.” I pouted.

“I am. I promise.” I could practically see Holly smile.

“Well, I’ve got to go to sound check. I’ll talk later.” I smiled.

“Byeee!” She called into the phone.

“Byeeeeee.” I laughed before hanging up.

*    *    *    *

|Kalila’s POV|

I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face as I re-read the letter. I read it 20 times before moving on to scanning the tickets. The Perth concert. Next week. There I’d have to tell Michael how I felt about him.

First order of business: deciding how I feel about him.



I don't how i feel about this chapter. I don't know how much longer until i finish this book... I just dont know. 





Letters ➸ Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now