Chapter 4-Kill your own Fear

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     Remember... It should be clear and clean.

6:21pm(3rd Building,3rd floor)

*Jia, Ignatius

     The Famous Band in the campus are also in but they are staying not because to investigate but to scare themselves out. The Older the School the Scary it can be.

     Ignatius put his headphones as he listens to Paramore's Ignorance. He enjoyed headbanging. AHHHH! Who's that? They drift in the hallway to catch it up...

"Oh, Shit!" -Jia

"Help!!" -Fei

"Fei! Hold on!" -Cheska

     The school girl dramatically chasing her with a bowed head and a devil smile. Ignatius unclasped the threshold containing a fire extinguisher. He mast the head of the killer.  After He lift Fei, The Girl chased them with rage. They were blocks away but she overtaken it fast. She hold Jia's feet and thrust it with a knife. Jia kicked her skull. She force herself to run.

     After a number of steps... They locked theirselves in the Library.

"What's happening here?!" -Jia

"That girl chasing us...That's the killer." -Fei

"Killer? The one that killed the Top Student Jessy?!" -Ignatius

"Yes, And all of us here left in the campus are the next one on her list." -Fei

"So it's true...The cursed story." -Jia

     She hold the bleeding using her handkerchief. She tries to endure it and strained to stand up. They have to keep moving even when they're hiding. a Dozens of bookshelves was displayed which they can be used of finding some clues.

     In the Librarian's Counter, Ignatius hand keeps searching for something. A newspaper grab their attention. It was an old one and almost burnt.


    It was written in the headline dated October 21, 1945. *Dugg! Dugg! What the?

     The Library was big as a sized of 10 ordinary classrooms. And they hide themselves in the last bookshelves to their right. Fei is gasping for air... Her fear is bringing her down. Jia was hugging her tight to keep her warm.

     Ignatius volunteered himself to protect them. He get the thick encyclopedia and pose his feet to get ready. The sound keeps continuing until the door was pit by the mallet. He's sweating all over his body. Until he decided to hide before Sylvia enters.

"Where are you? I need you? I need happiness? Where are you hiding? Are we playing hide and seek?" -??

      The 4th bookshelf was shaking.

"There you are..." -??

     He pushed the bookshelf down. And she was pinned down.

"Amateur! That won't stop me?!" -??

     Who the hell are you! He slipped himself out. Have mercy?! She wear her scary face. And He was intimidated by her scary glare.

     He's weakening down. As she adjust her momentum to hit Ignatius with her heavy mallet. Yahh!!

     "Encyclopedia Rules." -Jia

     Jia hit and hit and hit her but it was not yet done. She put her hand on her mallet and scratched Jia's face. She was knockdown... Sylvia stands up and ready to kill them. It was too late for rescuing. Ignatius face was torn out. He's eyes popped out rolling in the floor and He's teeth was flying all around. Until his lungs stops breathing.

     Fei and Jia escaped outside.

"Run! Run!" -Jia


     It's Raye... Fei hugged her. She burst into tears seeing his friend safe.

"So you know each other? but there's no time for having moment. We have to move on." -Jia

6:42pm (Janitor's rest place)

*Lorraine, Angelica, Charles

     Sanitary Employees rest place was located in the northeast of the Pentagon Building. It's small and consist of Three Beds inside and a sink.

     It was like an old prison without any window. You can smell the stagnant coming from the sink. Lorraine opened the sink. It was rust coming out and the malodorant smell spreads the room. Then the blood was next coming out. Charles help! It's stuck!

    The door lock itself. and Angelica was forcing it to open. The Door! They were lock inside and the blood was keep coming out. It was horrible, The sink was clogged. Until the blood have reached the floor. Still the door won't open. They were shouting for help.

"That won't work! There are killers around us. We will be dead if they manage to hear us." -Charles

     The blood makes the room flooded. It reaches their half body still the door won't barge. A hair floats infront of them. It was not just a hair! It was a girl. IT STANDS UP. Holding a screw. She was too strong and she captured Charles. Threatening him was her winning piece.

"Please no! have mercy!" -Lorraine

"Why? Give me some reasons to save him... Would you die for him?" -??

"..." -Lorraine

"Answer!" -??

"No... I can't... I'm sorry." -Lorraine

"Don't be sorry. You're all gonna die here anyway." -??

"Please..." -Angelica

     NO!! She insert the screw on his left eye. Loose it and insert it on the right eye. It was the end of him. But Sylvia didn't stop, She cut his head off..

"Why are you crying? You can't die for this guy right? I thought you were friends." -??

     The door gives in. And they manage to get out. His head tumbled infront of Angelica. Seeing his friend dead with his head cut off.

"That's right RUN! RUN!" -??

"We have to do this together!" -Lorraine

"But how?!" -Angelica

"I don't wanna be save here bringing my conscience out. I want to give our friends a justice." -Lorraine

"I'll trust you...Let's do this thing." -Angelica

     They've stop and showed Sylvia that they are in for a battle.

"So you want to die early?" -??

"Live or Die! So be it!" -Angelica

"This time Kill your own Fear to survive." Lorraine

     Their battle was like just a chess. You have to eat before you have get eaten. Sylvia moves first but she missed hitting them with her blooded screw. Angelica hold her hands together and strick her nape. Sylvia fell over and Lorraine swipe the screw and stab and stab her multiple times in the head. That's the way she've released her anger. They taught it was finish but they're just warming up.

next chapter:(Secret Compartments)






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