Chapter 3

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King Theo VII: good morning ashyy

Ashy ❤ : Ugh. The predawn cheer squad has arrived.

King Theo VII: pre dawn? dude its 9 in the morning. WAKE UP! WAKE UP! WAKE UP!

Ashy ❤: Saying wake up in capital letters and repeating it three times won't make a difference, you dumbass.

King Theo VII: did too

Ashy ❤: Did not.

King Theo VII: did too

Ashy ❤: You know you're right it did. Your stupidity knows no bounds, I'm kinda impressed.

King Theo VII: am i supposed to take that as a compliment?

Ashy ❤: See what I mean? I don't know if it's just because it's the morning and you're half dead like me or it's all year round but seeing your track record right now, I can therefore conclude that is indeed all year round, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

King Theo VII: so mean. why are you so mean to me? here I thought we were already blossoming into a great friendship.

Ashy ❤: Aw. I'm sorry you think that but I don't have friendships built behind a computer screen. It's dangerous.

King Theo VII: well... you got me there. why don't you give me your name and I'll add you? how's that?

Ashy ❤: Uh no. Now that would be very dangerous. You won't only know my name but you'll stalk me. You'll know my friends, family, where I live. Everything. And you could make a fake account to add me too.

King Theo VII: yes... i get that but i'm not a fake account. i really am Theo.

King Theo VII: why are you like this? i just want a friend. why are you making this hard?

Ashy ❤: I'm sorry. Making what hard? This is it! You're a pervert isn't it? You're perverted. That's why you approach people so easily with a sob story too. How many people have you cat fished already?

King Theo VII: no one. i'm not a pervert. i don't cat fish people. i'm a regular Joe. well not regular because i am awesome and unique and extraordinary and you get the point. but in a sense, i guess i am in this wide vast universe i am but indeed just a number from a population.

Ashy ❤: Sure. Why don't you bother me sometime else or you know never?

King Theo VII: why are you so mean to me ashy? we are friends. friends aren't mean to each other. if you are going through something right now i can lend an ear and a shoulder to cry on... Well a real time talk! but still the same thing.

Ashy ❤: For you maybe. I know it's hard for you to distinguish things. I don't want to alarm you or anything but... They are different.

King Theo VII: i know that. geez what crawled up your ass and died? would it kill you to be nice once in awhile?

Ashy ❤: I am nice. To people who aren't perverts or catfishing me.

King Theo VII: for the last time ashy i'm not catfising you. what do i have to do to prove that to you?

Ashy ❤: Hmm...

Ashy ❤: What about...

Ashy ❤: By not chatting up in the morning, afternoon and night? That would be a great start!

King Theo VII: okay then i'll just chat you on midnights and dawns

Ashy ❤: Night encompasses midnight hence the word night at the end and dawn is also in the morning idiot

King Theo VII: but dawn doesn't make morning in it so prepare to be awed every dawn by me ;)

Ashy ❤: Ugh... Please stop with the idiocy. I think it's polluting my brain.

King Theo VII: y u so mean? i just want to be friends with you ashy

Ashy ❤: We can't be friends! I don't make friends in the internet. That's reckless and stupid.

King Theo VII: oh come off it. live a little. being my friend won't hurt you. look you don't even have to tell me your full name. you'll trust me eventually and tell me that later.

Ashy ❤: Sure believe what you want to believe. Now leave me alone. I gotta get up since my sinus is acting up... must be from all your idiocy.

King Theo VII: later then friend 😊

E/N: Don't forget to comment your thoughts and vote if you liked the chapter!

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