Chapter 9

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With Jacob in Mexico, the rest of the group could work on their project at Alex's house. Tina and Alex looked at the many pictures Mark and Toby had given them and started making the decorations. They even started to practice face painting and ended up being great at it. Meanwhile, Dan and his mom tried making traditional foods. The group planned to pick Jacob up from the airport and go to the graveyard so they could decorate the grave with him. After, they would go to Mark's house for dinner. When they were going through this the day before Jacob came back, Alex realized something. "How are we supposed to find his mom's grave if we don't even know her name or where she was buried? We could ask Jacob but I'm not sure if he wants to tell us right now."

"Well, we know his last name," Mark said. "and we could make the assumption that the graveyard would be fairly close. So, let's go to the closest graveyard and look for García."

So, they did. The group asked Alex's mom if she could drive them and together they found what they were looking for.

"This is it," Toby said. "Oh man..." he put a hand over his mouth as he took it in along with everyone else.

Tina grabbed his hand as she looked at the gravestone. "When did-" she stopped when she saw the dates. No one could understand how Jacob went to school everyday. They stood in silence for a while

"Ok. Now what?" Alex asked as she blinked back tears.

Mark turned away from the grave and walked slowly toward his mom's car. "We go get Jacob."

When they arrived at the airport Jacob's plane had already landed. The group had spent more time at the graveyard than they had planned to. They waited in the terminal for a while until Tina spotted Jacob and his dad making their way out of the arrivals crowd.

"THERE!" She yelled as she ran up to meet her friend. Toby tried to stop her but ended up running to Jacob with everyone else.

Jacob saw them and let go of his suitcase cautiously. "Guys? What are you-ah!"

Tina hugged him while he tried his best not to shake or pull away. It was a fruitless attempt.

"Hi. Um, l-let me go. Please?"

"Oh, right. Sorry."

"What are you all doing here?"

Mark walked up to Jacob's dad who looked both confused and annoyed at the same time. "Sir, if it's ok with you, we have a surprise planned for Jacob."

Jacob's dad crossed his arms. "So?"

"So, well, could we possibly drive him to my house? We would bring him home and stuff after. Oh and he'll have dinner at my house."

The man looked the group over then turned to his son and told him, "If you want to go then you can. But I want you back before eleven, understand?"

"Yes, papá."

"Good. See you tonight." He took his son's suitcase along with his own and left.

Jacob turned to his friends with a smile on his face. "I guess I coming with you guys!"

"Alright!" Mark cheered. "Let's go!"

During the walk to the parking lot, Alex pulled Mark towards her. "Why would you ask his dad like that?"

"I don't think I did anything wrong."

"What do you think would happen If he said no?"



Jacob walked beside the two. "Um, is everything alright?"

"Yup, everything's fine!" Alex answered quickly. "Oh look,there's the car." She grabbed his hand carefully and led him too it.

It was bigger than expected. There were three seats in the back and two in the middle with space inbetween that allowed people to go to the back easily. Mark sat next to his mom, Dan and toby sat in the middle, and Tina, Jacob and Alex sat in the back.

"Ok," Mark's mom said. "Is everyone all buckled up?"

"Yes." They replied.

"Alrighty. Let's get going!" She turned the key and the car started.

For a while, the only noise in the car was the soft humming of the engine. No one really knew what to say. Jacob wanted to ask one of the many, many, questions he had, but he was afraid they wouldn't give him a good answer. So he sat silently like the rest of them and stared off into space. Mark on the other hand, turned on the radio. He was hoping to make the ride less tense by playing Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go by Wham!. It sort of worked too. Mrs. Evans was dancing in her seat, alex and Tina were bobbing their heads, even Jacob was tapping his foot to the song's beat. But that changed when they started nearing the graveyard.

Jacob looked around frantically when he noticed where they were. "Hey, wait where are we going?"

Alex held his hand gently. "I know this looks bad but you need to trust us. It's a great surprise I swear."

"Why are we here?"

"Hey, do you trust us?"


She smiled and squeezed his fingers. "Everything's going to be ok. We promise."

When the car stopped and everyone got out, Alex stopped Jacob before he could follow the others.

"Ok, so, you're not going to like this..."
"Oh no."

"It's not that bad though. We just need to cover your eyes. It'll be more of a surprise that way." She got out a yellow bandana from her pocket and showed him.

He looked around at the old mossy stones sticking up from the dirt. They looked even more unsettling at night. "I don't know."

"You won't have to walk on your own." She held up the hand he hadn't realized he was still holding. "I'll guide you if you let me."

Despite the eerie vibe of the graveyard, the discomfort he felt, and the voice screaming in the back of his head telling him not to go, he took the blindfold and put it on.

Alex put her hands on his shoulders. "You alright?"

He shivered and put his hand in his hoodie pocket. "It's fine."

"Ok. Let's go."

The walk didn't last long but it felt like it took an eternity. Jacob didn't think he wanted to know what the surprise was but he also didn't want to let his friends down. They had obviously worked really hard and they would be beyond disappointed if he left now. So when they stopped, he took a deep breath and took off the blindfold. 

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