Chapter 13

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A day later Jacob took Mark to a small bakery in the center of town after school with the goal of getting him to relax a little.

" I know I got it wrong!" He would say as they walked. "I just know it!"

"Mark, it's only one question and we worked really hard on it. I'm sure you did fine."

"It's not just that. Spanish is my worst subject right now and I want to go on the trip in March. I can't mess up on this. I really can't."

"But it's done now. There's no use thinking about it like that. What we can do though is get you something sweet to celebrate the end of a terrible test!"

"You say that like you've never worried about test grades before."

"I like to pretend I don't."

They walked until they reached a small white building. It had little pots of orange Mums on either side of the door and a sign in one of the pots on the left that read "Open". When they walked in, the sweet smell of warm cinnamon buns and coffee welcomed them. The boys left their coats on the hangers by the door and went to the front counter.

"Whoa!" Jacob rushed over to the display case and marveled at the expertly frosted cakes and cookies. "These are amazing!"

A woman behind the counter turned to face him. She had long black hair that was tied back in a low ponytail. "Oh! My son made those." She said proudly. "He's got a knack for things like this. Always loved to make people smile with his treats. Here Let me go get him."

"O-oh, that's ok-"


"Wait, Dan?"

Their friend came running to the front of the store wearing a hair net, a stained apron, and plastic gloves. He brought a fire extinguisher with him and he looked around for any danger. When he didn't find any he put the extinguisher down and sighed. "Mom, please don't yell in the bakery. I thought the coffee maker blew up again."

"Not this time, but these kids like your cakes. Go sell a few. I'll put this away." She took the fire extinguisher from her son and left with a wide smile.

Dan was embarrassed but relieved when he found out who his she was talking about.

"Hey, guys. Sup?"

"We didn't know you worked here," Mark said a little shocked himself. "Did you just start?"

"No, I've been working for a while. I needed to save some money so I figured I'd work with Mom here." She kissed his head as she passed him and Dan gave her a one-armed hug.

"What do you need to save for?" Jacob asked.

"My little brother has to go through surgery in a few days. It's not a big one but he's still pretty nervous about it and recovery time will be pretty long. I'm saving up to buy him a game he really wants as a little get well soon gift. Anyway, you want anything? I've got cannolis!"

"Sure, we'll take a few," Mark said. He bought six and they all sat at a table by a heater.

"So," Jacob started quietly. "Do you guys, um, want to go to the playground or something after this?"

Dan scratched the back of his head. "Sorry but I can't."

Mark groaned. "Why not? You never hang out with us."

"I just have a lot to do."

"Like what?"

Dan went to hang up his apron. "When I get home, I need to make sure my brother takes his meds. He fights with me about it so it takes about ten minutes. Then I've got studying to do and homework to finish..." He stopped for a moment and thought. "Then My brother's got more medicine to take. After all that I eat dinner and go to bed. And that's just Tuesday!"

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