Chapter 5

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Mark woke up at nine the next morning. He stretched and yawned as he recalled last nights events. He looked around for Jacob who was sitting on the couch reading. "Good morning." He said as he flipped the page.

"Morning. You alright?"

Jacob was confused. "Yeah why?"

"You had a nightmare last night, remember?"

"No! Did I wake you up? I'm so sorry!"

"It's fine. You were really upset though. Do you have any idea what it was about?"

Jacob closed his book. "I do but..."

Mark sat next to him. "Look, I know you really don't want to talk about it, but you might feel better if you do."

Jacob frowned. "You keep telling me to do that."

"I know, but if you keep bottling it up it'll get worse." His phone rang again."Ugh seriously?!"

"Who s it?" Jacob asked.

"Oh it's Tina. She called earlier and wanted to show us something." He answered the phone and put it on speaker. "Hey."


Jacob checked his phone. "Dios mio Tina! 138 texts? Do you even sleep?"

"Yes I do! Anyway, Alex got a haircut and it looks AMAZING!"

"You called me at one o'clock in the morning for that?"

"Yes I did but you hung up on me! Rude."

"Jacob was having a nightmare! I had too!"

Jacob's eyes widened. "I woke you up at one?!"

"Yeah, but it's ok. You couldn't help it."

"HEY!" Tina yelled. The boys jumped. "I was saying that if you want to see the haircut, you could come over to her house for a while today. She's having a fall party and we're all invited."

Mark thought for a moment. "Who's going to be there?"

"Oh a lot of people! Her family will be there, along with some of her neighbors and friends. It's gonna be so fun!"

Jacob felt sick. He shook his head. "I can't go."

Tina laughed. "Of course you can! You just gotta step out of your comfort zone! You'll be fine."

Jacob's face was pale. "No..."

Mark panicked a little. "Tina we need to go now."

"Ok," She said "It's in an hour but Alex said we can come early if we want. Bye!" She hung up and Jacob looked at mark with wide eyes.

"I can't go."

"Hey, it'll be alright. You can chill with us."

"There's just too many people."

"I know but listen, you are with the coolest group around! Nothing's going to happen. I swear it!"

Jacob gave a small smile. "Coolest group around? Heh, ok, I'll try it. I just need to tell Dad."

"Nice! I'll start packing up my stuff...and getting dressed."

"Haha ok." Jacob made his way downstairs. His dad was on the phone. He was yelling into the speaker. After the call was over, Jacob's dad slammed his phone on the table.

"If you want to leave then go." His voice was sharp and cruel. Jacob was too scared to move. "Go." That word got Jacobs feet moving. He made it upstairs without getting upset and he was glad he did, but he was having trouble holding it in.

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