Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Harry woke up to the shrill yell of Aunt Petunia. "Get up boy! You need to have breakfast made before Vernon comes down, you freak!"

Harry quickly got out of bed, wincing slightly at his bruised ribs. He had only been home for a week since his last year at Hogwarts. He still woke up shaking sometimes, careful not to scream, dreaming of the great basilisk attacking him. The past week had not been a good one for Harry. He had maybe two meals the entire time he was there, and those only if he could sneak food after everyone had gone to sleep. His uncle had caught him two days ago. He called him ungrateful for everything that he and Petunia had done for the freak. He proceeded to punch Harry in the face, causing him to fall. He then kicked Harry's chest a couple times. He dragged him upstairs and locked him in his room. Harry had not eaten since.

Harry made his way downstairs quickly, not bothering to change out of his pajamas, just wanting to avoid punishment for waking up late. He had just finished the eggs when Vernon and Dudley made their way down the stairs, sounding like a herd of elephants. Harry set out plates for everyone (except him) and served them all food. Petunia quickly dismissed him. Harry went upstairs, finding it hard to focus, and a couple times needing to lean against the wall for support. He really needed to get something to eat. While his relatives were busy eating downstairs, Harry took this time to have a shower, drinking some of the water as well. At least he could stay somewhat hydrated.

He got back to his room and changed quickly into some of Dudley's old hand-me-downs. He had to cinch a belt around the loose trousers as tight as possible. They still fell down to sit low on his hips. The giant shirt he was wearing kept slipping off his shoulder as well.

He made his way downstairs and waited to get handed his list of chores Vernon was certain to give him before going to work. Sure enough, his uncle handed him a list and made sure Harry knew that he would regret it if the list was not complete by the time Vernon got home. Harry looked at the list and managed to hold in his emotions as he watched his uncle leave for work. There was no way he could complete all this in a few hours, especially since he was already feeling weak. He decided to try his best though.

He started outside, weeding the garden. It was a hot day and the sun was sapping any energy that Harry had out of him very fast. After he was done weeding, he trimmed the hedges and mowed the lawn. It was 1pm by this time, only 4 more hours till Uncle Vernon returned. Harry had to use the lawnmower to help him stand as he began to sway due to the heat and lack of food. He put it away and began to clean out the shed. It had not been cleaned properly in years and Harry knew that if his uncle found a speck of dust in the place Harry would be punished. He emptied out the contents, wincing with the pressure put on his ribs when having to pick up something heavy. He swept it out and hosed down the windows, making sure all of the dust and spider webs were clear.

He was almost done putting everything back in the shed when Vernon pulled into the driveway. Harry panicked. He started putting stuff in the shed as fast as possible. Vernon was faster. Once second Harry was putting the hose away, the next he was being dragged into the house by the scruff of his neck. Vernon was screaming at him, Harry knew better then to struggle, that would just make his Uncle angrier. He was dragged up the stairs and shoved into his room. That was new; normally he was punished first and then sent to his room. It was when Uncle Vernon locked the door and turned to face Harry that Harry finally realized that something else was going on.

Vernon was muttering something to himself as he stared at Harry, eyes lingering on the way his shirt fell off his shoulder, and the low rise of the pants. Harry started to get truly scared. Surely, his Uncle was not thinking of doing that? I mean, yeah he had been beaten and starved, but surely his Uncle could not think of committing such a heinous act, and to his nephew?

Harry was horrified when Vernon started to undo his belt. He did not know what to do. He just stood staring as his Uncle approached him, filled with terror. Vernon shoved Harry onto his knees. "You are going to be my good little whore. It is all your fault, wearing clothes to tempt me. It is your evil freakishness that is making me do this. If you resist, or try to bite me or hurt me, I will hurt you ten times worse. I will make you bleed and you will like it. Do you understand me you filthy whore?"

"Y-yes, Uncle V-Vernon" Harry managed to stumble out, truly terrified now. There was nothing he could do. Not even magic could save him, as he would surely be expelled for performing any more in front of a muggle.

Vernon pulled down his pants and boxers enough to release his cock. It was hard and pulsing. Tears finally started to stream down Harry's face. He wanted to resist but knew his uncle would just hurt him further if he did. Vernon's hand caught Harry's chin and pulled it up, forcing Harry's mouth open he shoved his cock in.

Harry couldn't breathe as his Uncle shoved mercilessly down his throat. The only stroke of luck he had was that Vernon seemed unable to last too long. Harry soon felt warm liquid shooting into the back of his throat. "Drink it all up, whore" His uncle whispered in his ear. Harry tried to swallow around the softening cock. His uncle finally pulled out of him. "Now clean me up, you little slut." Harry looked at his Uncle's cock and slowly licked around it till all the cum was gone. Vernon pulled up his pants and redid his belt. "This is our little secret, Freak. If you tell anyone, I will kill you, slowly and painfully. Oh, and tonight was just a preview, tomorrow is when the real fun will begin." Vernon left the room after that, locking Harry in. Harry just collapsed on the floor where he was, tears still streaming down his face. He curled up into a ball and tried not to think about what was going to happen tomorrow.

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