Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

After the incident with Malfoy, no Slytherin would dare to harm Harry. They knew their punishment would be worse than just embarrassment and red cheeks.

Tom found himself putting the protective charm around Harry's bed every night. And when it went off he would go down and hold Harry until they both fell back to sleep. Neither mentioned it in the morning. They would just smile at each other and get ready for the day. Harry knew that Tom was doing it out of friendship and he was glad that he had someone he could count on to help him through his nightmares. Tom ended up spending the night in Harry's bed at least once a week, but neither one minded.

The next couple years went by fast. Harry and Tom's friendship grew and was well known by the entire school. Over breaks the two would stay in the castle whenever possible otherwise they both went to stay in the muggle orphanage that Tom grew up in. It was not as horrible as Tom remembered it, but that was probably because Harry was there to distract him.

Tom mentioned the Chamber of Secrets to Harry once during Harry's 4th year, wanting his opinion of where it could be. Harry told him that he would show him where the Chamber was as long as he would not hurt anyone. Tom looked surprised but promised Harry anyway. Harry took him to the Chamber and together they kept the basilisk under control. Tom was shocked to learn that Harry was a parslemouth and then relishes the fact that they now can speak in privacy.

They start to use the Chamber as their own private study area, using Salazar's library to help them with their work and to further their education. They spent most of their time in the Chamber learning its secrets.

When Harry enters his 5th year at Hogwarts he gets made a prefect. Tom had been made one the previous year and so now they could spend even more time with each other while on duty.

Most of the school has accepted Tom and Harry's intense friendship, often joking that you never see one without the other. There were a couple though that thought this friendship was more than it appeared.

Harry was patrolling the corridors late one night, for once without Tom as he had come down with some sort of food poisoning at dinner. Harry would normally have been with Tom, helping him to get better, but Tom had insisted on him fulfilling his prefect duties. Harry had reluctantly agreed. He was extremely tired and hadn't seen anyone all night. It was getting close to midnight and Harry was about to call it a night when he heard something behind him. He whipped around, wand at the ready but was too slow for the stunner that had been cast. Harry went down without a sound.

When Harry next woke up he did not recognize his surroundings. He supposed he was still in Hogwarts. It seemed as if he was in some sort of torture cell in the dungeon if the cold and gloom were anything to go by, that and the handcuffs that were currently keeping him sitting against the wall. He also noticed that he seemed to have some sort of collar on. He become aware that he was cold and suddenly realized he was naked. He started to panic and tried to get his breathing under control. He assessed the situation, chained to wall, no wand, no clothes, this was not looking good. Besides some chafing from the cuffs he did not seem to have any injuries though, yet...

About five minutes after Harry woke up, the door in front of him burst open. Three figures came in. Harry thought he recognized them as Gryffindors, maybe 7th years? All of them look at Harry in disgust.

"You are a disgusting example of a wizard Potter." One of them started.

"You make me sick the way you and that Riddle kid go on and flaunt your selves to the whole school."

"You realize that what you are doing is wrong, right?"

"It is a sin and shows impurity of blood"

"We are here to show you how wrong it is."

"We are going to make sure you never participate in such heinous acts again."

Harry was confused. What were they talking about? Him and Tom? What did they do together? What acts? Was opening the Chamber the issue?

"I don't understand what it is I have supposedly done?" Says Harry.

The three burst out laughing. "Oh, the little Fag doesn't know that being a whore is wrong. Don't worry Potter, we are going to teach you exactly what you are doing wrong."

Harry suddenly realized what they are talking about. "Tom and I are not in a relationship! We are just friends!" He says desperately.

The other three laughed again. "Surely you don't expect us to believe that do you?"

Harry's eyes widened, knowing that there is nothing he could do.

One of the boys came closer to Harry, carrying a knife. Harry backed as far as he can away but there is no room to hide. The boy used his wand to restrain Harry even further, making it impossible for him to move. The boy sliced something into his arm, and it burns! Something must have been on the blade. When the boy left Harry looked down and sees the word "Fag" carved into his left arm. Another boy came over and carved "Homo" onto his other arm. The third came and carved the word "Whore" across his chest in deep long strokes. Finally, they flipped him over and carved the word "Freak" into his back, telling him what they are doing since he could not see it.

Tears were streaming down Harry's face from pain and humiliation. He could feel the potion that coated the blades working through his system. He was on fire and then all of a sudden everything started to have a hazy edge to it. Harry felt that he would not be able to move even if he was not bound. The boys stepped back for a moment.

They whispered amongst themselves for a minute then one stepped forward and said, "None of us wants to fuck your dirty ass, so we will have to make do with your little mouth. We do, however, have something else to stick up your ass." He pulled something out of his robe, it was shaped like a cone with something else at the end, it was huge. Harry whimpered at the thought of that going inside of him. The boy approached and started pushing the thing inside of him; it was slow and agonizing because the boy did not stretch him. Harry could feel himself tearing, blood helping to ease the monstrosity inside of him. Finally he could feel that it is all the way inside him and was horrified by the pleasure he felt when it bumped up against something deep within him. His cock twitched and the others take this as their cue. One by one they came up and fucked Harry's mouth, forcing him to swallow. Tears continued to fall as Harry began to just think one thing, over and over again.

"Tom, please save me. Tom, please. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom"

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