Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

During the next couple days Harry spent most of his time going over schoolwork with Tom. He wanted to make sure that he would be able to pass the tests, especially in Defense Against the Dark Arts seeing as he had had Lockhart the Utterly Hopeless last year. He was surprised that he did well in all of his subjects when the time came and was pleased when Dippet announced that he could officially attend Hogwarts.

It had been a week since Harry had arrived. Although he had been injured so recently, Harry somehow managed to detach himself from those emotions of fear and pain. Maybe it was because those events were so far away in the future, or maybe it was because he never had to worry about the Dursley's again. Whatever it was Harry was glad that he was dealing with this in such a manner. He did not wish to talk about it, and preferred to focus on the future.

The next day at dinner Harry was introduced to the school as a transfer student. He was only two weeks behind so hopefully the workload would be easy. He felt nervous standing in front of the entire school getting sorted all by himself. Just before the sorting hat covered his eyes he locked onto Tom who gave him a big smile of encouragement. And then all was silent.

"Hmm, you are not of this time I see. I have already sorted you once before." The hat said peevishly in Harry's ear.

"Please don't tell anyone!" Harry replied, panicked that he was going to be found out

"Don't worry little one, I shall keep your secret. Now, where to put you...I see in the future I put you in Gryffindor, but only by your choice. Do you have a different choice this time young Harry?"

"Slytherin is where Tom is, Tom is safe" Thought Harry to himself

"Ahhh, Slytherin would suit you well, yes...I see...better be... SLYTHERIN!!!" The hat shouted the last bit to the rest of the school.

Harry pulled off the hat and just beamed at Tom who was beaming back. He made his way over to the Slytherin table and slid next to Tom. The others sitting around them were startled that Harry had chosen to sit next to Tom, and that Tom had allowed it.

Harry could see that they were about to begin questioning him but before they could Tom gave them all a sharp look. They all settled down and began to eat dinner.

After dinner, Harry followed the others down to the Slytherin dormitory. Behind the stone wall was the familiar common room basked in that eerie green glow from the lake. This time however, Harry felt that it was cozier than before. The fire was warm and there were lots of comfortable looking chairs strewn around the common area. They made it up to their dorms and Tom made sure Harry knew where his dorm was in case Harry needed him. Tom also helped Harry settle in to Harry's new space.

That night Harry was happy. No nightmares came, and if asked in the morning Harry would only be able to remember the sense of calm that followed his dreams that night.

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