Chapter 10

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Tom was feeling a lot better after his visit to Madame Pomfrey. After dinner he had suddenly become very ill having to run to the nearest bathroom to throw up with a worried Harry following behind him. Harry had taken him to Madame Pomfrey and then Tom had forced Harry to go do his prefect duties. Madame Pomfrey had taken care of him immediately yet insisted he stay for a couple hours just so that she could make sure he was fine. He spent the rest of the evening bored out of his mind wondering what Harry was up to.

When Tom left, Madame Pomfrey made him promise he was going straight back to the dorms. He was not to go try to find Harry on his prefect rounds. Tom reluctantly agreed. He headed back to the common room. It was about 9pm, Harry's rounds were done at about 12am, Tom could wait three hours to make sure Harry came back. He silently worked on homework while the common room emptied around him.

At about 12:30 Tom was getting antsy. Surely Harry was done with rounds? He should have been back by now. At 1, Tom was pacing back and forth, trying to determine what he should do. If he just went out searching for Harry, Harry could return to the common room without Tom knowing. A couple more turns and that was when Tom felt it, overwhelming panic and terror. He was confused, it was almost as if he was feeling someone else's emotions. He stopped in the middle of the common area frozen by what he could feel. Then he heard it, Harry's voice inside Tom's head "Tom, please save me. Tom, please. Tom. Tom. Tom. Tom"

Not waiting around to figure out what had just happened Tom raced out of the dorms. As he moved out of the Slytherin dorms Harry's chanting of Tom's name got louder. He followed the sound through a couple of corridors until it was practically screaming inside his head. He turned one last corner and saw it, light filtering under one of the old torture chamber doors. Tom was furious. With one swift movement he blasted the door out of his way. What he saw just fueled his fury. Three boys, Gryffindors if their robes were anything to go by were standing over Harry. One of them had his cock in Harry's mouth. Within a second of stepping into the room the three boys were tied up unconscious on the floor. The next second Tom was by Harry's side.

Harry let out a soft sigh of "Tom" and then promptly fainted.

Tom was frantically undoing Harry's bonds. He was horrified to see the words carved into Harry's skin. This was all his fault wasn't it? Harry had been harmed because people thought they were together. Tom knew he should never have befriended the boy. Only bad things happen to those who try to be nice to him.

Once the bonds were undone he tried to lift Harry into his arms but Harry squirmed and let out a soft moan. Tom looked worried for a minute until he realized that there something stuck inside Harry. He laid Harry down again and gently removed the foreign object with utmost care. He was appalled to see how much blood was flowing from Harry as the object was removed. It was huge, they must not have stretched Harry at all by the amount of tearing there was around the intrusion. Tom sat there for a minute; carefully taking all of Harry's injuries in, making sure he did not miss anything. He then took off his outer robe and wrapped it around Harry's naked form. He gently picked him up and carried him to the hospital wing.

Harry seemed to relax more when his cheek rested on Toms shoulder, nuzzled into Tom's neck. Tom felt the comfort he always seemed to feel when he was touching Harry.

When he reached the infirmary he shouted out for Madame Pomfrey. She quickly came out and motioned them to one of the beds. Tom was reluctant to let Harry out of his sight but Madame Pomfrey insisted. She drew up the curtains around Harry's bed and asked Tom what had happened while she ran diagnostics. Tom explained how Harry had been late and how Tom had found him when he went looking. He did not mention the fact that he could hear Harry's voice inside his head, that seemed like something he should not tell anyone else. He then told her how he found him, with three boys around him, one of them violating Harry's mouth the other two looking like they had just had their turns. He told her of the handcuffs and the collar. But he just could not seem to get the words out that something had been shoved into Harry's bum. Tom realized he was crying and shaking slightly. He moved to sit down on another hospital bed.


Madame Pomfrey could hear the boy breaking down. She wished she could help him but Harry needed her help much more right now. She confirmed all of the injuries that Tom mentioned. She tried to heal everything as best she could. The chaffing that had occurred at the wrist and neck mended easily. It was the words carved into Harry's skin that were the problem. They must have used some sort of potion on the blade because even though she could heal the cuts, the scars remained vivid against Harry's pale skin. She could not get them to fade.

She listened to Tom as he tried to tell of one more injury but seemed unable to vocalize this last horror. She ran her wand up and down the boy and found the source of Tom's alarm. Blood was steadily flowing from Harry's torn opening. She fixed him up as best she could, spelling pain relieving and blood replenishing potions into him like she did those few years ago. She spelled a hospital gown onto Harry and then came out from behind the curtain.

Poppy saw Riddle sitting there, tears track glistening in the candlelight. He was silent and just staring straight ahead. He looked as if he were planning something and a little like he had no idea how his world had come falling down around him so fast.

"Where are the boys who did this to Harry?" Poppy softly inquired

"Stunned and tied up in the dungeons." Tom replied almost on autopilot. His eyes tightened slowly though.

"Do you think you could get the headmaster and inform him of what has happened? Take him to the boys so that they can be dealt with properly." Poppy instructed Tom, hoping that he would not take it upon himself to deliver the justice that Harry deserved.

"Of course Madame Pomfrey" and with that Tom was out of the hospital wing walking fast towards the headmasters rooms.

Why is it always these two? Poppy thought to herself, going back to check on Harry once more.

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