Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Over the course of the next few months Harry and Tom's relationship grew. They spent most of their time studying and cuddling down in the Chamber so that no one could bother them. Most of the castle seemed to think that they were up to something, but they ignored these rumors and simply enjoyed each other's company. After their confessions of love their relationship became easier, soft touches to the shoulder or face were now acceptable without feeling awkward and gentle kisses were often exchanged. Tom was more protective of Harry than ever, but word seemed to have gotten around the castle and no one bothered the pair.

Harry's OWLS were coming up and this led to them spending even more time down in the Chamber studying than normal. Many a night found Harry passed out on the sofa with notes surrounding him. These nights Tom would lift Harry up and carry him to the bed, they would then spend the night wrapped in the comfort of each other's arms. They had gotten around their dorm mates noticing their absence by simply placing charms around their beds to make it seem like they were there.

Their physical relationship had not moved too much further than passionate kisses and a little bit of rubbing against one another. Anything further and Harry would pull back. Tom never seemed to mind.

When Harry's OWLS were over they had a week until summer began. Harry was laying in Tom's lap having Tom run his fingers lovingly through his hair when Tom broached the subject.

"Harry, would you consider moving in with me? I am 17 now and do not plan on returning to the orphanage. I have acquired an apartment in London near Diagon Alley."

Harry sat up and looked at Tom to see if he actually meant it. "Of course! I have lived with you since 3rd year; I cannot imagine not spending the summer with you. The orphanage would be horrid without you. Please let me come with you."

Tom laughed, "Well, I am glad that is settled." He swooped down to kiss Harry.

Harry moved so that he was straddling Tom, passionately kissing back. He ran his hands up and down Tom's back and through his hair, bringing him closer to Harry. Tom's hand wandered up the back of Harry's shirt and Harry got the hint. He lifted his arms and reluctantly pulled away so that Tom could tug off his shirt. He was too involved in devouring Tom's mouth to be self conscious at the moment. It was then Harry's turn to tug Tom's shirt off.

They both spent awhile exploring the newly exposed skin with both mouths and hands. Harry was sucking on Tom's nipple when he felt Tom moving to undo Harry's pants. He stiffened for barely a second and then let Tom continue, this was Tom, and he would not hurt Harry. Harry stepped out of his pants and then helped Tom out of his. When he looked into Tom's eyes he saw the desire in them. Tom moved them over to the bed.

Harry was getting slightly nervous but convinced himself that it would be ok, Tom would never hurt him. They fell back onto the bed and continued with their exploration of their bodies. Their hips were bucking into each other unconsciously, seeking the friction needed for release. It was not until Tom moved them so that Harry was underneath him and started to reach into Harry's boxers that Harry finally panicked. His eyes glazed over and he became rigid. He was back in Privet Drive, his uncle standing over him forcing him to cum into his mouth, stuffing his thick cock into Harry's mouth and bum.


Tom realized almost immediately that something was wrong. Harry was not responding. He quickly removed his hand from Harry's pants and moved off of Harry. Harry just lay there staring into nothing. Tom felt stupid. Of course Harry had freaked, hadn't those Gryffindors done enough damage? Combine that with that stupid idiot from Halloween and Tom should have known that Harry had an issue with the more physical aspects of a relationship.

It took Tom a minute to realize that Harry was mouthing something into the air. He got closer and heard "No, no please, no uncle, please, not again, please, uncle, please, no, no, no". Tom straightened, shooting a terrified glance at Harry. Harry never spoke of his relatives. Tom had known that all those years ago when Tom had found Harry in that hallway covered in cuts and bruises that his Uncle had done that. But surely that was enough; surely his uncle had not committed this most heinous act to his nephew. One look at Harry proved him wrong.

Tom moved closer to Harry now, carefully reaching out to him, not wanting to startle him. Once his hand touched Harry's shoulder the other boy seemed to snap out of the trance he had gone into. He took a deep breath, looked around and then Tom found himself with an armful of sobbing Harry.

"I-I'm so s-sorry! Please don't leave me. I will be good. We can do whatever you want. Please don't leave me. I will be a good boy. I will. I promise. Just please don't leave me."

Tom slowly started to rock the crying boy back and forth, rubbing the familiar comforting circles on Harry's back. "Harry, I promised that I would never leave you. I also promised that no one would ever touch you unless you wanted them to, that includes me Harry. Please, my little snake, please tell me what has upset you this much. I promise I will never leave you and we will never do anything you don't want to do. I will wait as long as needed for you to feel comfortable going further. I love you Harry, please let me help you." By the time Tom had finished talking, Harry has calmed down a considerable amount. He was no longer crying but was still curled around Tom with his face pressed into his neck, hiding from Tom.

"What if I am never ready Tom? What if every time we try I freak out? I love you Tom and I want to give everything to you, but I just don't know if I can." Harry whispered his concerns against Tom's shoulder, still refusing to look at Tom.

"I will never leave you Harry, just because we are unable to have a physical relationship does not meant that I will abandon you. I will never love anyone else Harry, I can feel that. You are the one for me, and I shall stay by your side and help you with anything and everything you ever need. If that includes helping you get over these concerns, then I will, I promise. I love you Harry."

At this, Harry finally looked up into Tom's eyes. He placed a chaste kiss on Tom's lip and then settled back into Tom's arms. "It was my uncle..." Harry started and he found it quite difficult to stop again until the whole story was out. At points where it became difficult for Harry to speak, Tom just rubbed his back, calming him once more, occasionally adding a kiss to Harry's forehead. Once Harry had finished telling Tom the truth he found himself drifting off, being very emotionally drained. Tom shifted them so they are laying on the bed under the covers. He held Harry to him and softly whispered into his ear the same thing over and over again until they both fell asleep.

"I love you Harry. I love you Harry. I love you Harry."

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