Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

When Harry woke next he could feel someone next to him. They were holding his hand, gently rubbing circles on the back. He sat there for a minute, relishing the comfort he took from the gentle touch. Then he began to remember, his uncle, the blood, hiding under the bed, all of a sudden being in Hogwarts, and Tom, the last thing he remembered was Tom Riddle asking if he was ok. He suddenly opened his eyes and began hyperventilating. The person next to him called for the nurse and then was muttering soothing words, never letting go of his hand.

Harry realized that he could not see, someone had removed his glasses. As if his mind had been read, his glasses were all of a sudden placed gently on his nose. He blinked a few times, the world coming back in focus. He was in the hospital wing and someone was holding his hand. He turned to face his source of comfort and just stared in shock (yet surprisingly not horror) at the sight next to him. Tom Riddle was holding his hand. Tom Riddle was giving him comfort. Upon noticing Harry staring, Tom let go of his hand. Harry immediately reached out for it again. "No, please don't...please...just...please..." Harry did not know how to ask for the comfort that he all of a sudden desperately needed from Tom and was barely fazed that he craved it at all.

Tom looked at him for a minute then gently took the boys hand in his own again. The boy let out a soft sigh of pleasure. Tom's spirit lifted, was it possible the boy felt the connection as well? Tom quickly found himself asking "What is your name?" before he could inquire as to how the boy was feeling.

"Harry, Harry Potter" The young child said

"Hello Harry, my name is Tom Riddle" Harry just nodded

At that point Madame Pomfrey showed up. She made Tom leave as she started running diagnostics on Harry again; making sure everything was healing well. She asked him how he was feeling. "Fine" was his unhelpful response. She spelled another dose of blood replenishing potion into the boy. She asked if he was in any pain "No" was the simple reply. She then called a house elf to bring the boy breakfast, Tom as well as he had skipped to see the young boy.

"Harry dear," she said, for she had heard the response to Tom's question, "the headmaster and I are going to have to ask you some difficult questions. Do you think you could answer them for us? It won't be until later and Tom can stay with you until then if you wish." Harry just gave a small nod. With that, Poppy left and Tom came back to Harry's side, gently holding his hand and providing comfort.

The two boys did not converse much. Although Tom was filled with what felt like a million questions, he did not want to overwhelm Harry. Harry did enquire as to Tom's age "14, I just entered my fourth year at Hogwarts." At this Harry gave a small smile, this was the Tom before he opened the Chamber of Secrets. Tom then asked Harry how old he was. Harry stared at him for a minute, trying to figure out just how to answer that question. He had been 12 when he left the Dursley's but he had been about to turn 13 in a few weeks. And obviously it was later here, as school had just started. "I'm 13," Harry responded in a small voice, "and I think I would be entering my 3rd year." Tom smiled and yet Harry could see the slight worry in his eyes.

Tom was concerned because Harry was so small. He may have passed as a small 1st year, but to be a 3rd year! This boy just seemed so fragile.

The two spent the rest of the morning in near silence, taking comfort in the others company. When breakfast had shown up, Tom dug in heartily, quite hungry from skipping the meal earlier. Harry, however, looked at the food as if it was a miracle. He ate slowly, relishing every bite. Although Tom finished faster than Harry, it soon became obvious that Harry was eating much more than Tom had. This was perfectly acceptable to Tom as he could see how skinny the boy was.

After breakfast Madame Pomfrey came by to let Tom know he had been excused from his morning classes yet was expected to go to his afternoon ones as that was when the headmaster would be coming down to talk with Harry. Harry grasped Tom's hand a little tighter at this. Tom just squeezed gently. "I'll come back for dinner ok?" He asked the small boy. "Ok" was the meek response.

After lunch, where Harry continued to eat large amounts of food, much to Tom's delight, the headmaster came down and Tom was excused. He reminded Harry that he would be back for dinner and then reluctantly left.

Harry had known the headmaster would be Armando Dippet and not Albus Dumbledore, but it was still a shock. The headmaster and Madame Pomfrey sat on either side of his bed. Harry just kept his eyes turned down.

"Now Harry, could you tell us how you got to Hogwarts?" Dippet asked

"I don't know sir. One moment I was under my bed, the next I was in the hall being found by Tom."

"Why were you under the bed Harry?" Madame Pomfrey gently asked

"I was hiding from my uncle." Harry mumbled

"Is your uncle the one who hurt you?" Madame Pomfrey inquired

"Yes" Was Harry's mild response. He really wished Tom were still here, except he didn't want Tom to hear how weak he was.

"What about your parent's Harry, should we contact them?" Dippet asked

"My parents died when I was a baby. I grew up with my muggle relatives."

"And these are the ones who hurt you and starved you?" Poppy asked

"Yes." Harry was resolutely staring down at his sheets, unable to make eye contact with anyone.

"Harry, I looked into trying to find where you had come from. There are no records of a Harry Potter at the ministry." Dippet said

Harry just sat there for a moment, wondering what he should say. "Maybe the papers got lost when my parents died? Because I was raised by muggles who hate magic, maybe they just didn't keep records?" was Harry's weak response.

Poppy just looked at Dippet. "Harry, have you any magical experience? Have you studied any magic before now?" Dippet asked

"Yes, I think I am at a 3rd year's level sir. I found some of my parent's old stuff once and used their books to learn." Harry quickly made up to explain his magical experience.

"Would you like to stay and take classes here at Hogwarts? We would have to have you tested to make sure you were at the proper level but I am sure we could manage it." Dippet said kindly

"Oh yes sir! Yes please!" Harry was excited. If he stayed here he would never have to see the Dursleys again, they had not even been born yet.

The rest of the meeting was spent going over the details, assuring Harry that he would be able to get school things using the Hogwarts scholarship fund. Saying he would be sorted as soon as he was well enough. And then the headmaster said he would try to find a way to get guardianship over Harry, so that his muggle relatives could no longer harm him. Harry beamed at this. By the time the headmaster left it was nearing dinner. And Harry was waiting excitedly to tell Tom the news.

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