Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Harry just lay there. He had no idea how long it had been since his Uncle had left. He just hugged his knees to his chest, while laying on his side (anywhere else was too painful). He stared in front of him, reliving what his uncle had done to him. After awhile, he felt he was going to be sick. He crawled off the bed, and tried the door. Miraculously it worked; maybe he had done accidental magic. Not caring about his state of undress at the moment, he managed to make it to the bathroom in time for him to empty his stomach into the toilet. He sat there on the cool floor for awhile, throwing up occasionally. This time he could see the red and white clearly in the mixture. He felt something dripping out of him and slowly felt around his backside until his hand came away in a pink mixture of blood and cum. He threw up again after that. He just wanted to be clean. He felt so dirty after what his Uncle had done to him.

Harry climbed into the shower, turning it to the hottest it could go again. He had made sure to lock the door so that Vernon would not be able to get in. Harry slowly slid to the floor of the shower and let the water wash over him. He had no more energy to do anything else.

Harry found himself waking to pounding on the door. He could hear Dudley's voice yelling at him to get out of the bloody bathroom. Harry realized that he must have passed out in the shower. The water was now freezing, as was Harry. He slowly picked himself up from the floor. Wincing at the red streams of water coming off of him as well as the pain he felt with each movement. He turned the shower off and looked around for something to cover himself with. He found a dark towel, knowing that if he stained one of Petunia's nice cream colored ones he would be dead. He wrapped the towel around him, trying to cover as much of the beating as possible. He made his way to the door, and as soon as it was unlocked found himself being pushed backwards as Dudley walked in. Dudley barely glanced at Harry as he made his way to the toilet. Harry quickly left the room, not wanting to be near anyone at this point in time.

He walked back to his room as quietly as possible, not wanting to alert anyone to his presence. Once inside he set about putting on the most covering clothes he could find. Some of Dudley's pants that actually sat properly on his hips. He wore three shirts so that none of his shoulder or collar bone was showing. He also hoped no blood would soak through three shirts. He then stripped his bed of the blood and cum covered sheets. He rolled them into a ball and threw then into a corner. He quickly got out the one spare ratty blanket that he was allowed to use in winter and sat on the bed wrapped up in it.

He drifted in and out of sleep, waking from terrible nightmares of his uncle. He was surprised to find that he no longer dreamed of Voldemort. He woke once more with a start when he heard his Uncles voice coming up the stairs. Harry quickly scrambled under the bed; he was still way too small for an average 12 year old. He started shaking and rocking back and forth, curled in on himself. He heard his uncle come into the room and tearing through his things, looking for Harry. Harry found himself rocking harder and harder, thinking over and over "I want to be safe, please let me be safe, please, no more, please!"

The next thing he knew he was sitting in a cold stone hallway. He recognized it immediately as part of Hogwarts. What really startled him was the voice that he knew so well, and yet not at all asking "Are you ok?"

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