First: millie-bobby-brown- s parents have really turned around lately. They've been helping her a lot more and yeah, they're a lot better.
So, last night, I was at millie-bobby-brown- s house, and I don't like her sister. Just so y'all know. when we were going to bed, and her sister started shouting at her mum, millie-bobby-brown- gabbed my iPod and started blasting music in her headphones and squeezing my hand, because she can't handle shouting.
So then, later on, her sister came back out, and started shouting again, and it's not just shouting. It's calculated insults and complete disrespect. So she was doing that, millie-bobby-brown- was just lying on my lap trying not to Listen, but then her sister started slagging her mum. I know lots has gapped with millie-bobby-brown- and her mum, be she has never been disrespectful. So then millie-bobby-brown- went into the room they were in and stood there listening.
After about four hours of shouting from everyone, including me, I could see that it was getting to millie-bobby-brown- . So, then she stopped shouting, and just tried to calm herself while we were all fighting. Then, after us all shouting about how her sister is in a self-absorbed bubble, and all she talks about is herself, and that she is disrespectful and all that shit, millie-bobby-brown- said (not word for word just what I remember) also, her sister has anxiety and thinks that is the cause about everything"There are other people in the world, and other people going through worse than you, and all you care about is yourself! (Her brother) has (something I can't say without his permission) and I-" she started tearing up then, and it was the most heartbreaking thing I have ever seen.) "- I have cried myself to sleep because of you and because of Gizmo (her rabbit that's in a better place) and you act like this year has been horrible for you, when it's been the hardest year of my life, and poor (brother) as well! And Finn has the same thing as you, only worse, and you don't hear him complaining about how watching paint makes him anxiety because it doesn't work like that!"
She was full on sobbing then. millie-bobby-brown- holds everything in too much. She just needs that person who she can cry to, which I let her, but someone who knows exactly what she's going through. Shit, I'm crying just writing this. But she's never sobbed in her life. Like ever. She's just kept it in too long, I think. But anyway, I just thought I should tell you guys because GeorgieDeservedBetta and all of you are some of her best friends. So you should know, just like she knows about the stuff you guys say in your books.
Anyway, sorry about that, it's just I don't know what to tell her. I thought she was getting better, which she was, but hearing that just.. I dunno. Anyeah, bye guys