Really? A Gay Man?

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As promised here is the next chapter! Demi is wearing the same outfit I'm the beginning as she wore in the last chapter.


After a while the stranger pulled back. "Who are you?" I whispered. Then they disappeared.

I sat there on the floor of that closet for a while in a daze, unable to get the kiss out of my head. I walked out not even realizing the power came back on, and into the bathroom like I planned to originally before my little.... detour. Walking into a stall I pulled down my skirt and just sat there with my head in my hands. When did my life get so crazy? I took my phone out of my bra and opened up twitter, composing a new tweet: "I'm on a roller coaster that seems to never go up my friend." I added a spin on one of my favorite quotes from The Fault in Our Stars. As soon as I tweeted it I got multiple replies, some saying "you got the quote wrong" and others asking if I was okay. The random "fats" and "follow me's" came too of course. I retweeted a positive message from an account called @darlingdemiii and then signed out. Deciding it was time to get off the toilet, I pulled my skirt back up (I didn't even go), washed my hands, and left.

When I walked into my house I immediately breathed a sigh of relief. I stretched as I pulled off my jacket and yawned. I walked into the kitchen and discarded the leather item onto the counter and opened the fridge, pulling out an ice cream. Sue me for it, but I need junk food- I'm stressed. I was about to open said ice cream when I heard a knock on my door. I opened it, confused.

"Blake! I didn't expect you." I half smiled in the awkward position. I backed up to let him in trying not to let rude comments spill out of my mouth. After all I kind of assaulted him with my face earlier. Shit, he probably wants an explanation for that.

"Yeah. I just wanted to do something." I was about to ask what he was going to do when he leaned down and kissed me, the kiss getting hotter by the second. A mutual understanding between us, pain and rejection and fear spilling out with every clothing item that fell on the floor. I dropped the ice cream and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Jump." He mumbled into my mouth. I did as he said and he wrapped his hands around my thighs, my body wrapped around his as he held me against the wall. This is what I need, to forget Naya and to forget Marissa. I can bury my problems and insecurities in sex. Kind of ironic, seeing how he would soon be burying his dick into me.

Blake carried me to my room and threw me onto my bed and climbed on top of me. My hands trailed up and down his back, then back into his hair. I tugged slightly eliciting a moan from my partner. His hands pulled up my t-shirt, cold fingertips grazing warm skin. His lips planted rough kisses down my neck until he reached my collarbone, where he stopped and sucked. There is definitely going to be a hickey there tomorrow. His hips grinded against mine, soft whines coming from me. Blake was about to pull down my skirt when the door opened.

In walked Selena drinking a Capri Sun from my fridge. Her presence brought in reality and I realized what was happening right now. I attempted to cover myself even though I was, for the most part, clothed.

"What? Demi! What are you doing? Isn't he gay? I thought he was gay! Do you need some water for that thirst? I can get you a water bottle! Jesus Christ!" I started talking over her, not knowing what was going to happen next.

"Selena Marie Gomez. Calm down."

"Me calm down? You were about to fuck a gay man! Who does that?" Why does she keep calling him gay? I mean I do know he wants Darren, but is it that obvious?

"I will talk to you about this later." Maybe I can use her shock to my advantage so she can forget about this?

"You are a virgin!" I rolled my eyes, but frowned trying to forget a memory threatening to release.


"You were going to give your virginity to a gay man??" Blake took this as his cue to leave and when I heard the door slam I walked into the kitchen to get water. I honestly am thirsty. Not the thirsty my dear friend was implying, but like thirsty. Where you need water. H2O. Yeah. "Demi we seriously need to talk about this." Selena sat down on a barstool while I grabbed two water bottles. I handed her one and I sat down in the seat adjacent to her. I nodded and let her continue talking. "What were you doing? You know you can't make any type of feelings go away by doing this. Plus, is that really how you want to lose your virginity? That should be with someone who really, truly loves you." Yeah I know that. The memory inched up further. No, Demi stop that never happened.

"Selena, I thought you knew Blake and I are dating."

"Oh please that shit is less real than Elounor." I laughed, a true laugh, Simon having let slip to me about Louis and Harry's relationship a while back.

"You're right Sel."

"I'm always right." We both chuckled when I told her to shut the fuck up. "Demi, can you talk to me please? You have to talk to someone, otherwise what happened today will just happen again." I sighed and she rubbed my back, signaling for me to spill. I got another ice cream from the freezer, and did. I told her all about Naya and this morning with seeing Marissa and all my doubts, everything I have been holding inside. Most of it anyway.

"Don't you feel better?" Selena asked. I nodded, the only thing I didn't tell her about the past few days is the kiss with a stranger. I'm scared to tell her about it, plus it feels private. "Let's change the topic, did the power go out earlier at work? I heard the whole building was out." Oh, damn there is no getting out of this.

"Yeah it did, pip pip a doodley doo let's talk about something else." I said in a rush. She raised an eyebrow and I knew I had to tell. "Okay fine. Earlier when there was that outage, I kissed someone today. I mean besides Blake."

"What? Who?" She shouted. "Close your legs!" I sheepishly grinned, this blank feeling coming over me. I guess I have to tell her I made out with a random stranger.

"I don't know who."

"How do you not know??" This sounds so bad.

"The power was out, it was super dark, they pulled me into a SUPPLY CLOSET, and they just kind of made out with me and left. The only thing I can remember is that whoever it was, their lips tasted like cherries."

"Cherries? Like lip-smackers or the food."

"Exactly like lip-smackers." I licked my lips thinking about it and grinned.

"Was the kiss that good?" She laughed when I nodded frantically. "Okay so tell me more, tell me everything you remember. We are going to figure out who this person is."

By the time I finished describing it, Selena had a whole list of notes on her phone.

"I have determined it was a girl, slender, and a girly person. Girl because a guy probably wouldn't have been so sneaky, and have those traits. Slender to fit in a supply closet with you, and did she feel tall or short?"

"I can't really recall, but we are closer to knowing than we were before. Hot damn, my first real kiss with a girl." I tried to make a joke but it just came out monotone. She slapped my shoulder and we moved to the couch.

"You know you have to break up with Blake tomorrow and find out who that girl is?" I nodded, and she sighed. "It will be okay Demi." I nodded again, not daring to speak. "I love you babes." She tried again.

I nodded.

Did you realllyyy think I would make her lose her virginity to Blake? You all have some big surprises coming by the wayyy.

So what I'm trying to do right now is make Demi not self-harm or anything, but be depressed and stressed. She is in that phase of depression where you're really tired and just doesn't want to do anything. In the next few chapters she will have more encounters with Marissa and try and work through her feelings. Thanks so much for 17+ votes. 20 more by next chapter?

Leave comments with what you want to see happen in this story! Same as before, if you comment you get a dedication. If multiple people comment, my favorite commenter gets one. Make me laugh! Love you all my baby bitches, byeee.

Here Comes The Sun (Demi Lovato/Naya Rivera)Where stories live. Discover now